5th Grade Field Trip to Westchester County Government


There are only 535 members of congress in the federal government representing 346,007,657 people in America. That’s not a lot of representatives, right? However, they have the most power. There are 17 county legislators in Westchester out of 989,898  people in Westchester. This is good that Westchester has a lot of legislators because then 1 legislator has thousands of people to represent, unlike millions of people. I went on a field trip to the county government in White Plains and was a county legislator for the morning. Today I am going to tell you two things I learned about the legislative branch, and two things I enjoyed most about taking on the role of a legislator.


Two things I learned about the legislative branch is that it has the Senate and the House of Representatives in it, and that legislators are called “legislator *name*.” When I was listening to the directions of what to do, they said that we needed to say “legislator *name*.” Also, if you were the chairman/woman, you would be called as “Chairman/woman *name*.” There we talked about if we should make public schools wear school uniforms. Here’s what I say about it; You shouldn’t make schools use school uniforms because kids should have the right to choose what they want to wear to school. However, I do think that schools should have a dress code, because what if a kid comes to school in a bikini? However, you might be thinking, well, wouldn’t it be a very proper and smart school if you make them wear a school uniform because then they wouldn’t be distracted by their clothes? Plus, if you have a school uniform, then you would know all the spots where a kid can hide a cheat sheet, so you can check those spots. Still, kids shouldn’t go in an itchy, uncomfortable uniform.


Two things I enjoyed doing were being a legislator and saying what my opinion  was for these random bills. For example, here’s a bill that we got:  Should you ban vending machines from schools? I don’t want them to ban them because what if you didn’t have a snack and you were planning to stay longer because you didn’t understand a question, or you got detention? Then you could get super hungry, and that’s not good. However, they should limit how much you get, so that you don’t eat too much junk food. Plus, Teachers usually stay longer than the kids, and they ONLY get lunch. What if they want a little snack to eat?


Overall, I loved going on this field trip. In this blog post I talked about 2 things I enjoyed writing about  2 Things I learned on the field trip and 2 things I enjoyed the most about taking on the role of a legislator. Would you have gone on this field trip?

First Week of 5th Grade

Your index card tower is building higher and higher, and CRASH! Your tower collapses. You have thirty seconds left, and you and your teammates are rushing to build it. 3,2,1! The time is up. Keep reading to find out which team won, activities I enjoyed doing in the past week, and what I am looking forward to doing in this year.Your index card tower is building higher and higher, and CRASH! Your tower collapses. You have thirty seconds left, and you and your teammates are rushing to build it. 3,2,1! The time is up. Keep reading to find out which team won, activities I enjoyed doing in the past week, and what I am looking forward to doing in this year.


Two things I enjoyed doing this past week was the index card challenge and the locker signs. Here’s how you do the index card challenge. You have 100 index cards and you need to make the tallest tower in your class. This was really fun because you would practice your teamwork and your cooperation. Turns out, we made our tower 13.5 inches, and got last place, but that was okay because we still had fun. Another thing that I liked was doing the locker sign. For this activity, you wrote your name on a piece of paper, then decorated it. This year for the locker signs, you drew them with just paper and pencil. That was unlike last year because last year, you used black scratch paper. I liked this because I love to draw/sketch things.


I am looking forward to field day and the rope course. For field day, you go out onto the field and team up with your classmates and do a bunch of cool things like tug-of-war, a relay race, and more. I like this because you do so many fun things, and you probably get popsicles. For the rope course, you make a team of some people, and you somehow need to get your team across the obstacle course. We do an obstacle course at PE too, but I think that the one we will go to will be better, because they might have more challenging obstacles.


Overall, I loved the first week of school. I talked about what I did the past week, and what I’m looking forward to. What would you have liked in the first week of school?

Persuasive Writing Process


I started out with an on demand piece, which meant to just find a topic and then try to write about it. I chose friendship problems because I said something that was mean to black people. (I obviously didn’t mean to!) Then, Rhea got mad at me. So, I ended up writing about friendship problems. After that, I decided that I liked the topic so, I said that I wanted to do friendship Problems, but Ms. Rago said NO. I asked, why? Ms. Rago said, because your topic is WAY TOO BIG. You need to narrow your topic down. So, I tried to narrow it down but I didn’t really know how. That was because she was going to teach us how to. I really struggled on that part of the process. Then I started to write. When I was done writing, I had a teacher check over it. Then I was done!

My Essay on Friendship Problems:

Friendship Problems

Did you know that 45% of adults have problems making friends? Did you know that 70% of people find that making friends isn’t easy? It’s time we make solutions to friendship problems!

Well, I believe that we should have a solution to friendship problems because bullying can cause friends to break up while also causing enemies. 

One reason is that a bully can easily either cyberbully, or spread rumors. One example is that starting rumors can be bad because it may lead to suicide, someone taking their own life. Another example is that cyberbullying and rumors can hurt a lot of people’s feelings, especially the person itself. One last example is that the person can think people are talking behind their backs.

Another reason is that bullies usually pick on 1 person at a time but sometimes friends bully each other too. One example is that friends trust each other and when that breaks, it’s really devastating. This is all terrible, but there is a way to stop it by standing up for one another. If it’s 1 against 2 I think 2 people can beat someone who just picks on people. If you want to be nice about it then you can just kindly say to stop or you can find a grownup to help if it is a bigger situation than you can’t handle. Another example is when secrets friends tell get exposed, which can be really embarrassing.  

Bullying also prevents you from having fun during recess. One example is that if you’re walking around during recess and people are talking about bad things about you, then nobody will play with you because they might either think your a bad friend or think you’re weird. You also may be fighting with friends all recess. One last example is that you may be upset for the rest of the day and may take up class time.

All these reasons show that we should have solutions to friendship problems.

My Video:


My Expert Book: Ballet

I came up with this topic because I love ballet and I started it when I was 4. I started with deciding my topic and then I planned my first chapter. I then started to write the chapter. When I was almost done, I started to plan all my other chapters and subheadings. Once I finished all the chapters, it was time to do my slides. It was all really fun! It was time for pictures!😃 I accidentally did more than one picture on the first day of doing pictures, but my friend Ellie corrected me. Then I made my cover and then was done. The most difficult part about my book was picking which chapter I should put on my slideshow. The most difficult part of the book was writing my introduction. All the other parts I did but I had them checked. My favorite part of the book was writing my About the Author. I learned that it’s best to take your time. What I learned about myself is that if I just take my time then I’ll have a good book. My final project turned out really well. I tried to make my book long and strong just as my teacher told us.

This is my expert book.

Thank you for reading!

Personal Narrative

“How many more minutes ‘till we get there?”, I ask.

“2 minutes!”, I hear.

“Okay.”, I say dully.

“Wanna play tic tac toe?”, Tara asks.

“Sure!”, I answer. I sit up a bit taller.

“Tic tac toe, give me an x, give me an o, give me a three in a row! Rock! Paper! Scissors says shoo!”, We both say.

“I win!”, Tara says.

“Okay.”, I say dully but also happy.

“Line line number nine spiders crawling up your spine, dot dot electric shock!” Tara chants.

.   .   .


“We’re here!”, Exclaims grandma.

“YAY!!”, Tara and I cheer. We race to our team. 

“I win!”, I giggle.

“Actually,”, Rhea says with a smile, “it was a tie.”

.   .   .


“Let’s go!”, Arabelle shouts. We talked and chatted our way there.

“How ya doin’?”,asks coach Eric while giving high fives.

“Good.”,I say.

“Just good?”,he asks. Then, he smiled his fun smile.

“First, I go!”, says Elexa as she puffed out her chest.

“Okay.”, Eric answers. Elexa hit. I didn’t notice. Elexa ran. I still didn’t notice. Elexa ran to me because I was on third base. Elexa ran and bumped right into me!

“Elexa!”, I groaned.

“Well, that’s what you get for not paying attention”,  Elexa said rather selfishly. Just then, Bill came. He beckoned Eric to come.

“Would you like to sub for 16?”, Bill asked.

“Sure!”, Answered Eric.

“What’s Eric doing?”, I asked our helper.

“Playing a game.”

“A real game?”

“Yes. A real game.”

“Well, at least it’s my turn to hit.”

“Yes it is!” She answered. Her first was too high. 

“Sorry!” I haven’t thrown in years!”. Her second was too low, and her third went towards my thumb and hit it!

.   .   .


“Wanna play on the zipline?” I asked.

“Okay but then let’s play on the spinning thing” says Elexa.

“Okay” I answered. We had tons of fun pushing and getting pushed. 

“Now can we play on the spinny thing?”, Elexa asked. 

“Sure!”, I answered. 

“Let’s walk on it!”, Says Elexa.

“Yeah!”, I exclaimed. 

“Woah!”, I cried. I fall on the outside of the circle.

“You’re out!”, Elexa giggled. 

“Time to go!”, Interrupted mommy.

“Why?”, I asked.

“Because everybody has left and it’s too late.” Mommy answered. 

“But I am still here!”, interrupts Elexa.

“Go. Now.”, says daddy as he walked to us.

“Oh fine.”, I say grumply. We go home.



Personal Narrative Reflection

It was challenging for me because I’m a slow typer, but I persevered through it. Also, Ms. Gelosa helped because at the end of my story, she helped me type it. I loved typing my story because writing is one of my favorite subjects. It was a pretty hard experience trying to brainstorm ideas for my story in the beginning, but in the end, I caught up a bit and then Ms. Gelosa came. I love going on computers since they have a keyboard.