Poetry Anthologies – Reflection & Poems

In Ms. Edwards’ class, we are finishing our poetry anthologies! I enjoyed the process of writing, editing, and publishing poems! I wrote over 10 poems, but my anthology has only five. These include Star, Angel, Ghost, a set of 3 Haiku poems, and Raindrop. Star is a poem I wrote when I was brainstorming topics, and I thought of a poem about stars. Angel, one of the very first poems I wrote, was about a loved one who was very close to your heart. I included a Word Cloud, made with Tagxedo, of an Angel next the the poem. Ghost is nearly the opposite of Angel, the one who you fear the most. It is inspired by fright in the past. Next is my video of Haiku poems, which is not my favorite. Lastly, I have Raindrop. Raindrop is a poem I wrote in forth grade very poorly, and then made it come to life in 5th grade. I love Raindrop because you don’t just hear the poem, you feel it. And you don’t just read it, it speaks to you. I added a quick illustration to the poem as well. The name of the anthology is Midnight Rivers. I hope you enjoy!

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Rube Goldberg Machine Reflecton #6

I hope you have enjoyed my blog reflections on my Rube Goldberg machine! Vrinda and I have finished the contraption and it works! We changed our design to a fully functional chain of reactions. First, a baseball puts more weight on one side of a large piece of foam than the other, causing a tennis ball to roll off the foam and down a ramp. Then, the tennis ball hits a Jenga tower with a ball on top, attached to the ceiling by a string. When the Jenga tower falls, the ball travels toward where the string attaches it to the ceiling, but hits a book along the way. The book hits more books, acting as Dominos. When the last book falls, it pushes a toy train forward and down a train track ramp. The train then hits a toy car, which travels around a loop when pushed forward. The car hits a power switch, letting electricity flow and charge my phone. It took hours of work and endless amounts of effort, but we finally made our Rube Goldberg machine!

Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection #5

The due date is just days from now! Vrinda and I have planned out the project, and are just waiting for another meeting to put our plan in action! While some have finished completely, and some have done only a few steps, our group sits in the middle. Our Rube Goldberg machine seems so much better then before. Vrinda and I strongly believe that this will be most of our final project. We have incorporated many ideas and objects, such as cars and large tracks (SPOILER ALERT: INCLUDING A LOOP), books, and many items attached to the ceiling with string. I can’t wait to show our final video to you guys!

Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection #4

The Rube Goldberg due date is less than a week away! Vrinda and I really have to catch up. We planned our next meeting, and brought lots of supplies from Vrinda’s house. We looked at other Rube Goldberg machines for inspiration, including Vrinda’s brother’s project. We adapted upon some of his ideas. Our Rube Goldberg really started to come to life! We thought we got more done at that meeting then all the others combined. We have about five steps working straight, and some others that we need to fix. You must have at least seven steps. Vrinda and I think we are almost ready for the final run! Look out for more updates on our Rube Goldberg Machine!

Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection #3

Welcome to my third Rube Goldberg machine reflection. As Vrinda and I work and build the machine, the due date just gets closer and closer. Monday, April 4th, 2016 we must show that we have begun the process. Three blog reflections, two links other than the ones our teacher, Ms. Edwards provided on her teacher’s page, evidence of research, and at least one sketch of the machine. Vrinda and I prepared a presentation on Google Slides, showing our starting sketches, pictures of us working, and more. We have been enjoying the project so far. It has been fun trying out different kinds of chain reactions, and learning for ourselves. I recommend a Rube Goldberg project to any classroom.