In this Capstone blog post, I will be answering my main inquiry question. If you don’t know, my main inquiry question is:
What does Caring For Creatures do to positively affect the treatment and care of homeless shelter animals? How can YOU and our community get involved to help make a difference for the lives of homeless shelter animals?
Caring For Creatures is a non-profit animal charity that collects donations for homeless shelter animals in need. We were founded in 2013, by me, Tyler. Caring For Creatures, short for CFC, used to be an all animal charity, but we then devoted our charity to specifically helping shelter animals. Caring For Creatures collects the donations through our HONEST program. CLICK HERE to go to our website for more information. The HONEST program allows the public to donate almost anything to Caring For Creatures, other than money. You may donate items to a member, and you may donate money to a member or on the website. Here are some ways you can help enhance the lives of shelter animals: You can donate to Caring For Creatures or anotherĀ animal charity such as the ASPCA, Jane Goodall Institute, WWF, The Humane Society, National Wildlife Federation and more. About 7.6 million animals enter shelters each year. VolunteerĀ at an animal shelter near you! Help us in our fight to stop pollution. Reduce trash, reuse all the materials you can, and recycle! Don’t forget to compost. Over 100 million animals are killed each year in United States laboratories for training and lots of product testing. Find out if a company tests on animals before you buy the product. For example, the popular brand Bath and Body Works is cruelty free! These are some ways you can help.
That was my answer to my main inquiry question! Our sub questions helped us answer the main inquiry question, and interview questions helped us with our sub questions. The Capstone project is closing up, and I can’t wait to show my final project to you!
I enjoyed reading your post and learning more about Caring for Creatures. What an important and worthwhile mission! You must be so proud of your charity!