In Ms. Edwards’ class, we are finishing our poetry anthologies! I enjoyed the process of writing, editing, and publishing poems! I wrote over 10 poems, but my anthology has only five. These include Star, Angel, Ghost, a set of 3 Haiku poems, and Raindrop. Star is a poem I wrote when I was brainstorming topics, and I thought of a poem about stars. Angel, one of the very first poems I wrote, was about a loved one who was very close to your heart. I included a Word Cloud, made with Tagxedo, of an Angel next the the poem. Ghost is nearly the opposite of Angel, the one who you fear the most. It is inspired by fright in the past. Next is my video of Haiku poems, which is not my favorite. Lastly, I have Raindrop. Raindrop is a poem I wrote in forth grade very poorly, and then made it come to life in 5th grade. I love Raindrop because you don’t just hear the poem, you feel it. And you don’t just read it, it speaks to you. I added a quick illustration to the poem as well. The name of the anthology is Midnight Rivers. I hope you enjoy!
Author Archives: thack23
Rube Goldberg Machine Reflecton #6
I hope you have enjoyed my blog reflections on my Rube Goldberg machine! Vrinda and I have finished the contraption and it works! We changed our design to a fully functional chain of reactions. First, a baseball puts more weight on one side of a large piece of foam than the other, causing a tennis ball to roll off the foam and down a ramp. Then, the tennis ball hits a Jenga tower with a ball on top, attached to the ceiling by a string. When the Jenga tower falls, the ball travels toward where the string attaches it to the ceiling, but hits a book along the way. The book hits more books, acting as Dominos. When the last book falls, it pushes a toy train forward and down a train track ramp. The train then hits a toy car, which travels around a loop when pushed forward. The car hits a power switch, letting electricity flow and charge my phone. It took hours of work and endless amounts of effort, but we finally made our Rube Goldberg machine!
Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection #5
The due date is just days from now! Vrinda and I have planned out the project, and are just waiting for another meeting to put our plan in action! While some have finished completely, and some have done only a few steps, our group sits in the middle. Our Rube Goldberg machine seems so much better then before. Vrinda and I strongly believe that this will be most of our final project. We have incorporated many ideas and objects, such as cars and large tracks (SPOILER ALERT: INCLUDING A LOOP), books, and many items attached to the ceiling with string. I can’t wait to show our final video to you guys!
Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection #4
The Rube Goldberg due date is less than a week away! Vrinda and I really have to catch up. We planned our next meeting, and brought lots of supplies from Vrinda’s house. We looked at other Rube Goldberg machines for inspiration, including Vrinda’s brother’s project. We adapted upon some of his ideas. Our Rube Goldberg really started to come to life! We thought we got more done at that meeting then all the others combined. We have about five steps working straight, and some others that we need to fix. You must have at least seven steps. Vrinda and I think we are almost ready for the final run! Look out for more updates on our Rube Goldberg Machine!
Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection #3
Welcome to my third Rube Goldberg machine reflection. As Vrinda and I work and build the machine, the due date just gets closer and closer. Monday, April 4th, 2016 we must show that we have begun the process. Three blog reflections, two links other than the ones our teacher, Ms. Edwards provided on her teacher’s page, evidence of research, and at least one sketch of the machine. Vrinda and I prepared a presentation on Google Slides, showing our starting sketches, pictures of us working, and more. We have been enjoying the project so far. It has been fun trying out different kinds of chain reactions, and learning for ourselves. I recommend a Rube Goldberg project to any classroom.
Rube Goldberg Machine Reflection #1
This is my first blog reflection of my Rube Goldberg machine project in Ms. Edwards’ fifth grade class. I will make five more blog reflections between now and April 19, when the project is due. We are just beginning the project. My partner Vrinda Pareek and I have been making sketches about what our machine should be like. If you don’t know, a Rube Goldberg machine is a chain reaction of objects that performers a simple task like blowing a bubble or flipping a paper. Not just yet will we tell you our idea, but stay tuned for more blog reflections. Here is a quick teaser of some of the objects that will be used: Toy cars and trucks, marbles and Domino’s. Of course there will be more objects used, but those are a few. Keep updated on more news by visiting my blog again soon!
Argument Debates
I really enjoyed the argument debates that we did this year is Ms. Edwards class. My group had the important argument, should we further explore more underwater or outer space? I liked doing research and finding evidence to prove my point. Some groups had all the children wanting to fight for the same point, and some had to argue against what they really believed in, which must have been very hard. I didn’t care too much about what side I was being put on, but all the other kids in my group wanted outer space, so I fought for underwater exploration. I enjoyed watching videos and reading articles related to the topic. I felt that this was a good argument because it was not a “Yes” or “No” question. We had to introduce ourselves and what we supported, counter the points of the other side, state reasons and evidence to support our argument, and at the end sum up all the reasons we made for our argument. We got feedback after each debate. The first didn’t go so well. We didn’t use much teamwork. But by the second debate we worked well as a team, and showed all the major things we should during a debate. We added in more evidence, and made some posters to point to. After the first debate, we decided to start over with almost all new reasons. We chose the reasons based on articles we read to see what we could get the most evidence for. We all put in much more time and effort and it really paid off. This unit has really showed me how far you can go with friendly arguing. I never knew arguing could be so fun! I have really enjoyed this unit and I hope I get the chance to do it again soon.
2015: Top 3 Singer Comebacks
Today in class we read a Time for Kids magazine and it stated a lot of things that are happening in 2015 that people will definitely remember. I thought about how so many singers had huge comebacks in 2015. Below is a list of 3 big music comebacks in 2015.
Video Chatting With NASA!
Today at Heathcote we had a video chat with a woman named Rachel Powers that works at NASA. She was at the Kennedy Space Center. She said that there was a rocket launching tonight at the Kennedy Space Center! We got to ask questions that we thought of. My questions were:
- What planets have humans been too?
- What planets are NASA planing to explore next, if any?
Those were my questions, but sadly I couldn’t ask them because we ran out of time. I hope we can do it again. We waited forty-five minutes while they got the system working. It was fine though. The time passed by quickly. We appreciate that not a lot of schools get to do this but we got to! It was a very fun activity.
Rocketry Presentation Reflection
Today was our Rocketry Presentation! We showed our group presentation that we made on Google Slides to our parents who could come and all the students in our class. The presentation was about our last science unit, rocketry. We had three launches with one rocket per launch. We worked on our presentation for three months, and finally we presented it today! It was a great experience. We did it in our school computer lab, and the presentation was on a Apple Laptop and we connected it to the Smart Board.