Persuasive Writing

Imagine if you had to sit on the sidelines and do nothing while watching your family play a fun sport? Wouldn’t you feel not included from everyone else? This is how people with disabilities feel. We need to make sports more accessible for all people, no matter their limitations.

We need to make sports accessible for all people no matter their limitations so that they can play the sport. One solution would be to provide special equipment that allows them to play. One example of something we can make is a wheelchair that we can program so the person can tell it to run and get the ball. Another example is we could make a machine that attaches to the wheelchair that allows a person to raise the chair quickly so they can catch a ball easier. My last example is we could make grabber feet on the bottom of a wheelchair. This would be useful to someone playing soccer so they can grab the ball and kick it hard.

Another reason we need to make sports accessible for all people no matter their limitations is so that they can get across the field without having to travel a far distance or get stuck in the grass. One possible solution would be to make the field smaller. For example, soccer fields and basketball courts don’t have to be as long. This would allow players to get down the field quicker without losing all of their energy trying to get a wheelchair down the field. Another possible solution would be to turn grass fields into turf fields. This would make it easier for wheelchair users to get down the field without getting stuck.

Lastly, we need to make sports more accessible for all people no matter their limitations
so that everyone can get exercise and grow their muscle strength! One example that builds up muscle power is such as soccer. When you get really good at kicking the ball you end up with a really strong foot. Another example that it builds up muscle power is that you get a strong arm when learning how to swing a full swing in softball.

We need to make sports more accessible for all people, no matter their limitations, so that anyone can play the sport, anyone can use the fields, anyone can exercise!

The persuasive piece was hard because I had to come up with 3 reasons and 3 examples to go with each reason all to support my claim. First I had to brainstorm a bunch of topics that I could possibly write about. Next I had to choose the topic that I was most passionate about. Then I had to make a short claim that explained my topic. Lastly, I had to come up with 3 reasons and 3 examples along with a lot of editing and revising.


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