Have you ever thought to make a feature article? I made one. There was many more steps to make it than I thought. It was pretty challenging. It took a long time to make but it ended up looking really cool.

My topic is softball. I came up with it because softball is my favorite sport. I know lots about it and there was no research in the feature article project. When my teacher told us we had to know a lot about the topic we were writing about, softball just popped into my head, since I knew a lot about it. My message for my feature article was softball is unique. I came up with that message because I really thought it was different from other sports. Even though softball is similar to baseball, they do have lots of differences. I wanted to show the reader the differences between softball and the other sports.

I thought there were lots of parts that were challenging, but there were also some parts that were fun. One thing that I thought that was pretty hard was putting in the pictures, captions, and text. We had to keep consistent spacing, and text size. I thought this was hard because once I had the layout, some of my text did not fit and some of my pictures did not fit. I also had to make room for captions for the pictures. Sometimes the pictures barely fit and there was no room for captions, then I would have to revise and adjust the picture so it would fit. That was only one picture. Some of the pictures did fit though. Once we got the hang of the formatting and making the feature article it got easier. Another thing that I thought was pretty easy was writing the actual text. I knew a lot about softball so I put what I knew that fit with my message. Another thing that I thought was hard is coming up with is the headings. I had to ask myself does this go with my message or does it not.

I used lots of techniques. A technique I used was a vocabulary box. A vocabulary box was helpful because it showed some of the words in the article that maybe some people wouldn’t know of. I used a vocabulary box twice. Another technique I used was a diagram. I thought the diagram I made would be very useful for people who did not know where the positions were and what the field looked like. I also used a fun fact box. One other thing I used was captions to describe the pictures. I was very proud of how the feature article all came together. I spent a whole month writing and putting it together. I didn’t think my feature article would look that good because the formatting was really hard. In conclusion, making this project was pretty hard and took multiple steps. How it turned out in the end was worth the process.

Here is my feature article!

Vote For Me

Hi my name is Talia and I am running for Heathcote 5th grade president. I like playing softball, and I sometimes don’t have that much time to do my homework. I would like to make changes like more recess time on Fridays and less homework.

The first change I would like to make to Heathcote is more breaks for kids to go outside and play with their friends on Fridays. I think kids should have at least 2 breaks on Friday. I think this because kids need a break from a long week of school work to just hang out with friends. When I am president that will be a law that I will try to make. I will make a meeting with my class so we can discuss if kids should have more recess time.

The second change I would like to make to Heathcote is less homework. I think this because we have activities and sometimes we don’t have time to do homework. When you have a lot of homework and you don’t have time to do it because you have activities you end up doing it very late at night. Then kids will be tired in the morning for school just because they had to stay up late doing homework. This is also one of the things I will change if I am president. I am going to try by speaking about it with my class.

In conclusion, you should vote for me because I am a hardworking and honest person and I will try to make sure there is more recess time on Friday and less homework. Vote for Talia!


Board of Legislators Reflection 


Did you know there are 17 legislators in the Board of Legislators? Each represents different towns in Westchester. Well my class recently went on a field trip there. We got to bang the gavel and so much more. You will learn about my experiences and what I learned at the Board of Legislators trip.

During the trip I had lots of favorite parts. My first favorite aspect from the Board of Legislators trip was talking to the legislator who represented our town and a few others. His name was Benjamin Boyken. I liked talking to him because it was cool to see an important person. I learned so many things from him. When our tour guide said “ you will be able to see your legislator Benjamin Boyken,” I’m surprised because I thought we were just touring the building and what it was like to be a legislator. When I heard her say that I thought when is he going to see us? When he talked to us had a lot of questions answered by my classmates like “How did you become a legislator?” He stayed with us until we went into the next room and he went back to work. Another aspect I liked at the Board of Legislators trip was the mock board meeting in the chamber room. The chamber room is where the legislators gather together and talk about important things such as voting on laws. That is what my class did except it wasn’t real. There was a chairperson and two clerks from my class who were picked to do it. A chairperson is someone who hosts the meeting and bangs the gravel and is the person who calls on the legislators when they want to say something. The clerks are the people who take attendance and write down votes. We also got to sit into the seats that legislators sit in. They even had their names on a plaque on the desk. When we got into the chamber room, I was like “is this where the legislators meet?” “This is probably my favorite room yet.” The Chamber room kind of looked like an extended auditorium but instead of a stage there was a big desk up high where the chair person sits and connected to that there was a big desk lower to the floor where the clerks sit. In the Chamber room we discussed a fake law: Should we ban unhealthy foods and sodas from school cafeterias. We all got to vote and the majority said no. The last part I liked from the Board of Legislators trip was having a mock committee meeting. This was the first room we went to. Our class got split into two groups of two tables and there were two chairpersons one for each table. The chairperson for my table was Charlotte and the chairperson for the other table was Theo. We discussed if all private and public schools should wear uniforms to school. We all voted no. I was like “I would never want to wear uniforms to school.” so I voted no. These were my three favorite parts to do in the Board of Legislators trip.

There were so many surprising facts I learned at the Board of Legislators trip. The first surprising fact I learned was that Benjamin Boyken represented more than just Scarsdale. Benjamin represented Scarsdale, most of White plains, and some of Harrison. Before Benjamin Boyken told us that, I thought there were 17 different Legislators in Westchester county each representing one town. I thought Benjamin Boyken represented Scarsdale and no other towns.That was probably one of my favorite facts. Another fact I learned was that there are 1.3 million people in Westchester and 20,000 people in Scarsdale. “There are 20,000 people in Scarsdale? That’s soooo many, I thought there were way less”. The last surprising fact I liked was when you are in a board meeting people call the legislators legislator and then their first name. For example Legislator Talia. I learned this when we were in the mock committee meeting. Our tour guide told us exactly how the legislators talk and how they call each other and what they discuss. That were my three favorite facts from the Board of Legislators trip 

In conclusion, the Board of Legislators trip was really fun. I had so many favorite parts and many facts that I had learned there. Have you ever gone to the Board of Legislators?            

My First Weeks of School

Do you remember your first week of fifth grade? I do. I had a good first week.  There were so many fun experiences. There are also so many things to look forward to in the year. Parties, and 5th grade privileges. This is what I am writing about in this blog post.

This past week I’ve enjoyed lots of things. One thing I’ve enjoyed this past week is the index card challenge.The index card challenge is where each table gets 100 index cards and we have to make the tallest tower we can. My table thought we should make it 18 inches or taller. We are probably not going to get this high, I thought to myself after our tower kept falling and falling. I was wrong, we succeeded, and made our tower 2 feet tall. Yay, I thought. I was helping build the tower while some of the people at my table folded index cards for the tower to stay sturdy. Another thing I’ve enjoyed this past week is sitting with my friends at lunch.These past years everyone had to sit at their class table. When I heard that the 5th graders could sit with whoever they want I got super excited. Me and my friends can finally sit next to each other and talk to each other at lunch. The last thing I liked this past week is the intro to the government. We learned all about the three branches. I enjoyed the intro to government because I learned a lot of cool things that I did not know before. This is so interesting I thought. These were the things I’ve enjoyed this past week. 

I’m looking forward to many things. One thing I am looking forward to this year is the Halloween party. When my teacher told us about it I had no idea what it would be like and I was like “There is a Halloween party this year?” to my friends. I am looking forward to the Halloween party because I like Halloween. Another thing I am looking forward to is fantasy book clubs. I am looking forward to fantasy book clubs because I like book clubs. I thought who is going to be in my book club? The last thing I am looking forward to this year is the volleyball game. The volleyball game is where the 5th graders play the teachers in volleyball. I am looking forward to the volleyball game because I am excited to play against the teachers. These are the things that I am looking forward to this year.                                                                                                                                               

In conclusion, I thought there were many fun things in the first week. There are also lots of things to look forward to in the year. I am very excited for the 5th grade activities. Did you do lots of fun 5th grade activities? I hope this makes you think about how fun your 5th grade was.