Have you ever thought to make a feature article? I made one. There was many more steps to make it than I thought. It was pretty challenging. It took a long time to make but it ended up looking really cool.

My topic is softball. I came up with it because softball is my favorite sport. I know lots about it and there was no research in the feature article project. When my teacher told us we had to know a lot about the topic we were writing about, softball just popped into my head, since I knew a lot about it. My message for my feature article was softball is unique. I came up with that message because I really thought it was different from other sports. Even though softball is similar to baseball, they do have lots of differences. I wanted to show the reader the differences between softball and the other sports.

I thought there were lots of parts that were challenging, but there were also some parts that were fun. One thing that I thought that was pretty hard was putting in the pictures, captions, and text. We had to keep consistent spacing, and text size. I thought this was hard because once I had the layout, some of my text did not fit and some of my pictures did not fit. I also had to make room for captions for the pictures. Sometimes the pictures barely fit and there was no room for captions, then I would have to revise and adjust the picture so it would fit. That was only one picture. Some of the pictures did fit though. Once we got the hang of the formatting and making the feature article it got easier. Another thing that I thought was pretty easy was writing the actual text. I knew a lot about softball so I put what I knew that fit with my message. Another thing that I thought was hard is coming up with is the headings. I had to ask myself does this go with my message or does it not.

I used lots of techniques. A technique I used was a vocabulary box. A vocabulary box was helpful because it showed some of the words in the article that maybe some people wouldn’t know of. I used a vocabulary box twice. Another technique I used was a diagram. I thought the diagram I made would be very useful for people who did not know where the positions were and what the field looked like. I also used a fun fact box. One other thing I used was captions to describe the pictures. I was very proud of how the feature article all came together. I spent a whole month writing and putting it together. I didn’t think my feature article would look that good because the formatting was really hard. In conclusion, making this project was pretty hard and took multiple steps. How it turned out in the end was worth the process.

Here is my feature article!

My Expert Book: Hanukkah

Starting my expert book I had to first think of a topic. Next I had to brain dump a piece of paper. Afterwards, I had to organize my brain dump into my chapters. Then I had to write the expert book on paper. Lastly, I had to make a slideshow and add pictures and links to it. The most difficult part for me was to come up with the idea and chapters. My favorite part was linking and adding pictures. I learned to link, start a new slideshow and write an expert book. I feel really proud because it was really hard to write it.

This is my expert book.



Thank you for reading.