Hi everyone! Welcome back to another post. If you have been following this blog for a while, you might have known that I am in the middle of a research project called, Capstone. If you didn’t know this, Capstone is a huge research project where you pick a topic and learn as much information about the topic as you can. You do this by visiting multiple resources. This includes books, websites, articles, and videos. Then, you gather all of your data and put it into one huge presentation. The different presentation forms you can choose from are a video, TED talk, or Ignite. This is my last post for this project. If you haven’t checked out my other two posts on Capstone, I highly recommend you do so now. Without further ado, let’s get started.

The biggest thing I will be writing about today was my decision to change my presentation format from a video to a TED talk. When envisioning my video, I realized that I would maximize my experience if I chose to do a TED talk. That is why I made the decision to change course.

After I changed my mind to prepare for a TED Talk, I had to create a script. However, I already made one for my video. Therefore, basically, all I had to do was copy my old script, and paste it into my new one.

Once I did this, I had to find images for my presentation. The images had to be non-copyrighted and match what I was saying. There were challenges when I wanted to find specific images. For example, when I searched for photos of people not incredibly recognized, barely any results appeared.  After talking with my tech teacher, I realized that I just needed to give credit to my source.

The next part was for me to memorize my script.  I knew from past experience that if I tried to complete this task in a day or two, I would find little success. As a result, I decided to pace myself.  I had 23 slides I needed to memorize and decided to do 4 slides a day. This ended up being a great plan and I completed this part in about 5 days.

The last and final thing I had to do was practice presenting in front of an audience.  In this case, the audience was my classmates and my family. This was pretty easy for me as public speaking was never a problem.

In conclusion, I would rate this project as one of the best I have ever done.  I am very proud of my final product and grateful to have learned a lot- not only about my topic, but also about myself as a researcher. This is the last blog post I will write as an elementary school student. Thank you for reading this blog post and I hope to write more in the future.


Photo of Erik Finman

Photo of Lily Born

Image of Botangle Logo

Image of Kangaroo Cup

Photo of Cameron Herold

Photo of Mikaila Ulmer