Launching and Graphing rocket #1

In class we are doing a rocketry unit. Today was the launch and graph phase. When we launched our rocket we had to measure the distance from the launching platform to the clinometer station, we did this using a trundle wheel. I think that our launch stood out from all the others, because at first our nosecone popped off and then we went inside to repair it and then launched again, coming 3rd. Our launch also stood out because we had four fins instead of three. We all had jobs to help with the launches, for example I was the count down master, one person in my group was the pumper, and the other was the person who pressed the button to launch the rocket. I liked being the countdown master because it was my job to release all the anticipation with only one word, “Release!”

After launching the rocket we had to start graphing our rockets data, using a graphing sheet, our rocket went 146ft! Wow! After graphing and examining the pros and cons of our rocket we decided to to make the amount of fins three instead of four. We thought that this might be a good idea because the group that came first used three. Also three might weigh less then four, but be just as balanced.

Our team’s collaboration during the launch was phenomenal, we were perfect, and when we had to rebuild we were all in sync with each other and collaborated perfectly, same goes for the graphing stage. For example we had to hot glue on a really tight time zone but we did it on time.

Us launching the rocket

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