Today we were designing and building rocket #3. In this design we were allowed to change one thing from our last design, we decided to change the nose cone. Now instead of the nose cone being on the inside, it is now on the outside. We decided to change this feature because we noticed that the nosecone crumpled on itself in the previous launch.
Designing our third rocket was really easy. I think that it was really easy because we already knew exactly what to do. In this design we really did not run into any problems. Something that proves this is that the design took us only 10 minutes to make. The design we chose is a design that has 3 fins, a long and thin nose cone, and a thin and straight body.
Building our third rocket went mostly well. We did really good taping and hot glueing, also the fin measurements were very precise. The nosecone of this rocket did not go very well, because someone in our group put the nosecone on the wrong rocket. I think the reason that this rocket was so easy to build was because we already knew what to do, and more.
This, being a group project required a lot of collaboration. Our collaboration during this portion of the project was very good, but it had its lows. For example, when we were designing and building we had good collaboration, but when we were choosing our jobs for the launch, we argued a lot. Overall it went pretty smoothly and I am looking forward to the launch.