Unit Reflection: Rocketry

Now that the rocketry unit is coming to a close, it is about time to reflect on the unit in general. Overall I learned a lot about teamwork and rocketry. One example is that I learned that sometimes you have to let other people what they want when you’re in a group. I also learned that rocketry is all about the engineering design process, because you need to take inspiration before you retry a idea. I also learned a lot about fine tuning and building a google slides presentation.

During this project I had things that I liked and others that I did not. One of the things I enjoyed was building the Rocket, because it was fun using the design we made. I did not enjoy designing Rocket #1 because we argued a lot. I think that launching and graphing rocket #2 was really disappointing for me because we did the worst we have ever done.

All in all, In loved the rocketry unit and hope we can do it again. Plus, now I can say to people “This ain’t rocket science!”