As I have mentioned in an earlier post, in class we are working on a project called Capstone, this post will be about my interview for the project.
To start the interview process I had a zoom meeting with my teacher about who I would like to interview. This process was easy for me because my mom works in the medical field so she has a lot of connections with people who are well informed on my topic: Vaccines. In the end, I decided to interview Holly Gilbert, an infectious disease specialist. I interviewed Holly because I figured that she would know a lot about the immune system, and vaccines, because of her profession.
After securing the interview, my interviewee requested that I send her the questions before we do the zoom call. This allowed us to have a smoother and more informative interview because she could think about how she would answer, before the interview.
For the actual interview, I had a document open with my questions and an area to write the questions. I also had two devices recording the audio for the interview, because, for another project that I did an interview, the recording crashed on a device. At the end of the interview, I looked at my notes and refined them, because I had to type fast, so it was sloppy.
One of the most interesting things I learned as a result of my interview is that the administration of a vaccine matters a lot. Some vaccines go through the buttocks, most go through the muscles. A lot of vaccines work best on the area below your muscle.
One challenge that I faced during the interview process was coming up with questions. It seems simple right? Wrong. My goal for creating my questions was to find out information that I could not find on the web, which is hard to do but I managed.
Overall my interview process went very well, I gained a lot of information and I would classify it as a success!