Blog post week of 11/23

This week in computer tech class, we did Tynker programming 201, and created what we call an about me project. In the past i have used multiple coding platforms and from my experience, this is the pros and cons of Tynker. The biggest pro, in my opinion, is that it is very simple to use. Also, it has a good help feature and is great for learning how to code. The biggest con is that is harder to get specific and do big projects on it, like scratch. Once I made a very large project, and Tynker could barely run it. Also, the coding blocks limit me a little bit with how simple they are. Using Tynker hasn’t really enhanced my skills, just refreshed them because I have coded in the past a lot.

Now to talk about my about me project. In the project, you are greeted by an introducing robot that tells you that you can click on actors, such as snowman and plane to play a sound and tell you why they matter to Ved. A frequent block that I used a lot was the wait block, this is because it is in show/movie style, so i have to do a lot of timing work. Something from 201 that I incorporated, was how to make a custom actor. Thank you for reading!

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