Creating the Immigration Video Reflection

You are creating a video. A video about what? Immigration. You place it in the last photo. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just need to record and place some music in your video now, and you’re all set! That’s how I made the video of my interviewee Steve who immigrated from Greece.

It was really fun making the video. It was kind of annoying though, because I had to adjust the time to all the photos and even finding the photos was hard! Let’s just say that WeVideo doesn’t have a lot of the photos I need. I also spent so much time we had to do before the video – the script with time blocks. Let’s just say, I ended up ignoring the time blocks. Finally, FINALLY, after the photos of the video, we did recording. When I went home, I recorded. Buuut, it didn’t make a peep. I made sure that I was recording it with full volume on so it was kinda strange. I remembered when I did a podcast with my friends (which was a very, very big coincidence since Mrs. Cooper picked the partnerships), this also happened when we tried to record with my chromebook. So, Mr. Mitchell came down into the wing and we figured out the problem. But the day before that was Eid so we didn’t have school and that day (which is the day I’m writing this blog post) is the day that the video project is due. Long story short, basically my video was completed one day after the due date (I don’t think that the teachers will be okay with it if I was in middle school so I am lucky). After I recorded, I put in some music and tried to do the credit but I didn’t have the links so I just named the photos that needed to be credited. I liked this project a lot!

What I learned about immigration from Steve: It is terrible if you move and you live there forever. I don’t count as an immigrant or a US citizen, I’m only staying here for seven years total for now but I DO know that leaving your family behind for only like a year is painful. I sure do hope that Steve visited them every year from then.

So, basically, doing this immigration project is long but fun. Do you know anyone that immigrated to the US?

Ready. Set. CURL!!!

You put the slider under your foot and start to push the stone back. You push the stone, let go, 

and the sweepers start to sweep the ice. It goes into the house, and your team cheers. You just scored a point in curling. I will be writing a reflection about when my class went on a field trip to Ardsley Curling Club. I will be writing about delivering the stone in my first paragraph, and sweeping in the second. I had a good time there but there were also challenges. For example, both of our teams couldn’t get the stone into the house until my team FINALLY got one, and then another but there were no more points afterwards. I think that curling is really fun if you follow instructions so you won’t hit your head since THAT is definitely no fun at all.


To deliver the stone, we practiced at school. There were these stones on wheels and there was a miniature house in the gym. We would practice like that and it was very easy, but it got harder when we did it on the ice. A lot harder. A lot lot harder. A lot lot lot harder. Ok, I’ll stop rambling, let’s continue. We had to use the stabilizer and I still fell but after a while, I got the hang of it. You had to sort of lunge/kneel when you were delivering it, while you had a slider underneath the foot opposite of your dominant hand, so if you are a righty, you put under your left foot, and if you were a lefty- basically you get the idea. You held the stabilizer in your non-dominant hand and the stone in your dominant hand. You put your other foot on a thingamabob and push your stone and foot with the slider backward, then forward and then slide on the ice. Wait! This is important. You might be thinking you can let go whenever you want but nope! If you let go too early or late, you will fall and the stone won’t go as far. It is very important so that you can get the stone into the house. When I fell a few times, I thought, Am I the next Sophie Foster? Sophie Foster is a character in my favorite book series, Keeper of the Lost Cities, who trips A LOT. A LOT LOT. A LOT LOT LOT. Ok, ok, I promise I’ll stop rambling in this whole reflection then. At once, when I tripped, my knees felt frozen though they weren’t, don’t worry. What a way to hurt my leg I thought.


Sweeping is a very important part in curling. No, you don’t take the bus back home and sweep the floor of your room so you can win in curling, though your parents will be happy and mad. Why? Your floor will be clean but your parents will be like “What the heck are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at school?” When you sweep, you rub the broom on the ice, causing friction and the ice to be a little more slippery so the stone can slide on the ice farther. You can sweep a lot but don’t over sweep it! If you over sweep it, it can go out of the house, so maybe stop sweeping like a third meter away from the house? When we were waiting for the other class to finish, there was this really good shot but then people over swept it and I was thinking, Well, THAT is just so sad. Anyways, you might be thinking, if the ice is sweeped so many times by so many people, why doesn’t the ice melt? Well, you’re only causing friction to make VERY slightly slippery. It’s also cold there so it will turn cold again eventually, think of it as an ice skating rink, why didn’t the ice melt from all the friction with all the ice skating shoes? You also might be wondering, how come you don’t slip? Well, if you were running, especially with a slider, you would trip a lot. The thing is, the ice isn’t flat so there are bumps on the ice so you don’t trip as much and the stone can still slide. How the slider works is if your shoes are a little flat at the bottom, it will slide because, well, it is flat and can slide around the ice! This is why we have sliders, so we can slide more to deliver the stone farther. There is also more to curling that is kind of important to win for example, the hammer which is having the last shot so you can knock the other team’s stone away or knock your own into the house if it’s a little close to the house but not in yet.


This is why I think curling is fun, since you get to slide on the ice and score points when you get it in the house. It is also about good sportsmanship like every sport does. Before the game, you say good curling to the other team, when someone makes a good shot in the house, you say good shot, and when the game is over, you fist bump the other team and say good game. Not everything is about being competitive, it’s about having fun with everyone. What do YOU think about curling?

Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever written an article? If you haven’t, it is very fun but complicated. Okay, I’ll take that back. VERY complicated. I wrote an article about how to find books you will like reading by level and which stories you like. Read more to find out the process of making an article.

The first few parts are writing, writing, and writing some more. Everyone needs a topic because, if there are no topics, what would even write about? To pick the topics, it needs to be something you know about because here, we are doing this for writing, not research, BUT if you need a fun fact, you can do a quick research for some (I don’t have a fun fact though). My topic is books because I love to read books. After drafting everything, you need to revise and come up with a title, subtitle, and before the writing (I forgot to  mention), the name of each section. After all that, You need to revise A LOT. It’s because of if it makes sense, spelling, and if there is a big gap or something because that is important when you start to format. When you are pretty much done, you could go format.

For formatting, I think I took more time than writing. For formatting, you need to play around with shapes very much. Our formatting part is on new slides because we were using shapes and it will be WAY easier. The reason we’re using shapes is because if you use a text box, when the text box is full, it makes the text smaller than it is supposed to. After you decide how you are arranging the shapes, you have to copy and paste the text into the shapes. The shapes have to be either square or rectangle. When you like your formatting with the text so far, you get to find images! BUT you can only search from creative comments or then you are basically stealing an image. If you can find no images about your topic, you find it the normal way but you have to type “search for:____” and then “Website:____” and then what you searched for after the search on top to replace the blank space after “search for”, copy and paste the website where the image came form and paste it where it has a blank space after “website” and write them in the captions. The normal text has to have one size, all the names of topics and subtitles should be one size, the title is one size, the captions is one size, and the text feature text size is one size. I know it is confusing but it is not impossible for sure. After all that, you need to revise, revise, and revise MUCH MORE (just in case!). When you finish revising, read to double check if it makes sense. IF you are completely sure, give it to a teacher to check! Though it was really hard, everyone finished their articles!

In conclusion, writing an article isn’t typing a bunch of words, adding pictures, and printing it. It is so much more than that, it is writing important information, formatting the article to look good, and adding images that match the information given in the article. So if you write an article about something, think about all the important things you need to add to your article!