Matthew and I have just made a very big decision. Most of the steps we tried over and over and over but they just weren’t working. We decided to start our whole project over. We started from scratch. We had to come up with a good task quickly. We decided that our ending would be to have a string pull the light off which plays Happy Birthday. The way we get it to play Happy Birthday is we program a snap circuits project to play Happy Birthday whenever it get’s dark. This time we are being more organized about our thinking and are going step by step. We have built most of the steps already. My favorite step is the zip line. The way we set this step up is we tied a long piece of string to the hinge of the door and then pull the string as far as can go. Then we tape it to a block. We put a smaller string around the zip line and then tied the ends of it to a little basket. We pulled the basket to the top of the zip line and then put string around it and taped the string on both sides of the wall. This string helps the basket stay in place. Then we put a hook around the string holding the basket in place. Then we tied a string to the hook and tied the other side of the string to a ball. Now if you drop the ball from up high it will pull the hook down which will pull the string that’s holding the basket in place down. Now the basket will go down the zip line. Read my next blog post to read about how are Rube Goldberg worked. You can also see the video!
I like how you made me want to read the next post.