Capstone #2 Choosing My Main Inquiry And Sub Questions

For our capstone project the second step after choosing the topic is finding the main inquiry question. The main inquiry question will drive us through all our research. Once I decided to do my topic on skiing I started doing research for my main inquiry question. The first one I came up with was how the technology has improved because technology these days is way more advanced. Then when I met with my teacher she suggested that I do, “How does the right equipment help your performance?” I liked that one too. After a few days of research I started leaning toward the technology one because the equipment one goes under technology. I was about to make my final decision when I realized that I can make something even broader than technology. Something that technology goes under. My inquiry question would be, “What key elements have positively affected the sport of ski racing.”

Once we found our main inquiry question we had to find at least 5 sub topics. Because of my experience with ski racing 3 ideas came up to me right away. They were, safety, technology, and health and fitness. Then later on I came up with how events have changed the population of fans. But I was having a little trouble coming up with a fifth one. So I asked for a conference with my teacher and she gave me plenty of ideas. But then we both realized that I was mostly focused on health and fitness. She suggested that I change my inquiry question to something related to health and fitness. I liked that idea because the main reason why the skiers are better than they were back then is because the health and fitness is better. So I changed my inquiry question to, “How have safety, medical, and technological advances improved alpine ski racing?” I’m still researching to find 5 sub questions for that inquiry question but I’ve found 3 already. They are, “What effect does the improved fitness have on the skiers,?” “What effect does the improved safety have on the skiers,?” and “How has technology improved to benefit the skiers?” I hope I can come up with two other great ones. Until next time, bye.



  1. I thought the amount of detail that you gave was awesome. How it really feel to have all of your questions done? Great job

  2. I like how you said the sub questions you came up with so far. I also like how you said what you changed your main inquiry question to revise them. I also like how you kind of explained it in chronological order, for example you said what your first original main inquiry question, and then you said the other main inquiry question you thought of next and so on, you also said first we have to write our main inquiry question, and then our sub questions.

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