Last Friday in class we did something called a breakout. A breakout is a fun activity where there is a box with 4 locks on it. There are clues for the combos all over the classroom. The goal is to break into the box before the time runs out.My team wasted a third of the time having no clue what the combos. Then we had a good idea and we tried but it didn’t work. Then after a few minutes we found something else that could be the combo. But the person putting in combos misheard us say the combo and put in the wrong one. But soon we found out it wasn’t the wrong one when the lock popped open. That was lucky!
We found the next two combos hidden in the same piece of paper. 3 down, 1 to go. The fourth combo was in an essay that Mr. Calvert gave us. I found what we thought was the combo. We tried it and it didn’t work. We wasted another 10 minutes trying to break that code. By then I was certain that the combo I found was the right one. Sowe tried it again and this time it worked! We broke into the box with 50 seconds left on the clock.