Me, Will, Giana, and Eli did a debate on whether we should protect sharks from humans or humans from sharks. Me and Giana wanted to protect sharks from humans and Eli and Will wanted to protect humans from sharks. We had to practice a lot. We had two practice debates in front of the class and many debates just by ourselves. We had to research a lot about our topics. We read countless articles and we had to find rebuttals for our opponents reasons and evidence. In our final debate we found pictures and videos to make our debate stronger. Eli and Will had one video of a suffer being attacked by a shark but it wasn’t clear where the shark was unless they pointed out where the shark was. Our video was on the New York Post and it was a fisherman catching a shark and shooting it twice. I really didn’t like that guy because he was smiling at the end! Me and Giana also added two pictures. Here is our video of our debate.