I think that it was much harder to work without technology like syline logging because technology makes many, many things much easier for us, and without the syline logging, you need to put a lot more force and time. It was probably much more dangerous because you would have to move the logs up with your own hands, but thanks to the technology today, we don’t need to do that. Technology helps so that people don’t need to do work for that, the machines help you. However people today should be careful in the machines, because if something goes wrong, then they could get hurt. You can imagine without it, that it was very time consuming and probably damaged their bodies with all work. Some tools or materials the might have used were maybe a bucket to hold it in, or some object that allowed for the logs to be in, when they move them up. I would want to create a technology that instead of pushing the soil, there could be something that doesn’t hurt the soil, but we could still use the syline logging.

Blog post #3

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