In this blog post I will be talking about my interview. I did my interview at the same place as my site visit. I was really nervous, I thought I was going to mess up or ask the questions in the wrong order. Thoughts were spinning in my head. I finally got to meat the person I was interview! Her name was Tania. You you can go to my Site visit blog post to see a picture of me and Tania. I wasn’t allowed to get a video because of Nikes policy but I got a lot of information about of the interview. My interview questions were,
- How do you impact your community ?
- What type people are impacted?
- Does it affect kids or adults more?
- Do you keep doing the same thing for different people or do you think of new ways to help people?
- What do you think about when you make an impact?
- What is your goal when helping a community?
- How will you impact others in the future?
- Does bringing professional athletes help kids be more energized?
- Does your impact work in a negative or positive way?
- How can you expand the variety of people you help.
Tania answered all of them and it was really helpful and key to answering my main inquiry question and sub questions. I really enjoyed my interview and it was a great help to answering my questions.
I love how you added the interview questions.