Rube Goldberg Blog Post 1
A Rube Goldberg machine is a complex machine made to do a simple task. My Rube Goldberg Machine is design to pour and give me Lemonade with ice.
Im currently in the design process and it is very confusing and frustrating. Its frustrating because I lack material such as a seesaw like lever. I also need lots of plastic cups which I dont have. I hope that I can soon get those material and start building the full machine. I had to face many annoying challenges like things that are to light or too heavy. Such as when the tennis ball fell into the plastic cup and it didn’t lift the other cup fully and that was very frustrating and when I finally thought that it would work but it didn’t. I think this design is costing me a lot of money and time. When I run out of water or lemonade I have to get more and when something is too heavy or too light it just goes to waste. I think a found a big insight when I replace the light tennis ball with a heavier ball it actually pulled up the pulley! Luckily I have only 1 revison so far and that is the tennis ball but I am expecting more as the project goes on.
I used materials like Seesaw Lever,Baseball,pulleys,Hot Wheel loop track,plastic cup,dominos and lemonade.