Capstone Blog Post #3

A Capstone Project is a project which allows you to research and present a topic which you enjoy. My main inquiry question for my Capstone Project was “How do generals strategize to combine mechanized and artillery warfare together to defeat an enemy?”


Another way it was challenging was how I had to come up with what to say and I didn’t really know how to express myself perfectly. It was also hard to memorize because I had many slides and a lot of words. Another thing that was challenging was how I would have to do this in front of a lot of parents which can make a lot of people nervous including me. 


This project is also very exciting. For example I love a challenge and also it allows me to share my knowledge on the topic. Another reason why it is exciting is because it is the final major project of 5th grade and it will be my last project in elementary school so I want it to be my best. 


I chose my Capstone project to be Mechanized Warfare because I had previously already studied it and it would be slightly easier for me so I can do a little less research. I also chose the topic because I love history and this one way to express it. However even though I had previously studied this doesn’t mean this isn’t challenging. I had to pick one topic and I only had 5 minutes so I had to think of something I liked and be quick to explain the concept and history of its use. 


I have learned overall that mechanized warfare is a long and hard topic but after a lot of researching I have learned many new things about mechanized warfare and I have had a lot of fun doing this project and this project has prepared me for middle school and how to do a ted talk.


Capstone Blog Post #1

I am doing a Capstone Project and I will tell you what it is. Capstone is a 5th grade compassion project where you interview and research a topic that you like. I feel like Capstone is a way to share your passion.

The process of coming of with the my topic was hard. I had many things I wanted to do but I ultimately decided on Mechanized Warfare and Artillery because I had studied a lot on Napoleon and Blitzkrieg I knew I love the topic and I had already a lot so it would be a bit more easier to research.

The process of finding a main inquiry question was hard because when you say the history of Mechanized Warfare that is a long topic and my presentation is 6 minutes so I couldn’t fit all of that in. So I decided that if I focused on Artillery and Mechanized Warfare I can narrow my question down to Napoleon and the German Military during World War 2.

Coming up with my question was pretty easy overall One challenge was that I had several question I wanted to ask but I had to scrap it and replace it with more basic questions such as what is Mechanized Warfare.

In conclusion i am confident I will do great on this Capstone project and I will learn many new things.