Rude Goldberg #2

For our first meeting we discussed what our final task would be and what steps there were. We started with a marble rolling down a tube which hits a domino which hits……  This was three hour meeting and we made a huge tower out of cups, blocks and dominoes. This would eventually be one of our steps. We also went to youtube and watched many Rude Goldberg ideas this helped us think and build our project. We also made a sketch draft that eventually turned into the sketch.

2 thoughts on “Rude Goldberg #2

  1. I like how you told the reader what you eventually used,” huge tower of cups, blocks and dominoes.” Try not to use the words, “we also” as many times.

  2. I really like how you were very specific in terms of the way you elaborate explained the project with the great balance of elaboration and how you specified the topic. You really set the mood. Nice job!

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