Tech Blog Post (5/28)

If I realized that there was a place to recycle my plastic, I would always try to get there to the hardest extend. There might be a few times where it’s not possible to but it’s important to try and recycle as often as possible. It would require more patience and if you see a true importance in nature. Plastic is very harmful and if there something to slow the harmfulness down, we should all do it no matter what were doing.

Blog Post (5/21)

Some of the conclusions that I see about the different types of plastic is that lots of plastic is different. Many people also don’t realize that there are different types of plastic. Everyone just think plastic is a material used for lots of items.  I saw lots of number 2 plastics and number 1 were the most popular. My pile actually had no non-labeled items which is very different than others. Lots of pros about using plastic is that most things are reusable, some of the cons are they kill millions of animals every year. Some properties of plastic are

  • Strength
  • Weather Resistance
  • Fire Resistance
  • Durability
  • Dimensional Stability
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Thermal Resistance
  • Working Conditions

Plastic is a harmful but useful material and is a very interesting tech topic.

Tech Blog Post: AirPods

I’m am going to talk about the modern technology known as AirPods, AirPods amaze me because of many reasons. I don’t understand how you can hear something form a different device without being connected, it doesn’t make sense to me. I wonder how they can also put a little mic in the device also, and it isn’t even that crazy of a price to many people.  It acts like a very good source of confidence because of how it looks on people and they feel more connected when wearing AirPods. I also like how other companies are taking the time to recreate and improve a wireless earphone for more causes. Many wireless EarPods have crazy features like clicking the AirPod and the song pauses or holding it down and skipping the song.  All of these features make the AirPods truly a important and crazy invention.

Tech Portfolio Blog Post

The quote I’ve chosen to write about is “Oregon Forest Law requires us to replant the site within two years and it needs to meet “green-up” standards by six [years]. By state law we are required to leave two live trees standing and two downed trees per acre of clearcut harvest. We are also required to protect small medium and large fish streams.”

I believe that when harvesting or cutting down essential parts of a life like a tree. The requirements should be to replant every single tree that was cut down. People risk many animals including humans when cutting down trees, they should be held accountable for their actions and need to re-plant every tree they cut down. For a person to cut down trees for their benefit means they have to re-pay nature and the rest of the world for what they did. We need to save the trees and connect as a union to save more trees and keep our earth healthy.

Gender Tech Question

I believe that there are more boys than girls who speak up or un-mute themselves during zoom questions because they are less shy and more inpatient. They want to know immediately without trying to problem solve on their own. On the contrast, girls might be more patient and wait to figure out if it is really a certain problem that need questioning. The girls email more because they wait till after the zoom to try and problem-solve. I think boys are just more commonly out there as girls might be more shy or patient. This is only sometimes and there are many different scenarios where its the opposite.  There should not be stereotypes for what gender does what but there is a certain way of figuring the general trend of things.

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