Blog Post (5/21)

Some of the conclusions that I see about the different types of plastic is that lots of plastic is different. Many people also don’t realize that there are different types of plastic. Everyone just think plastic is a material used for lots of items.  I saw lots of number 2 plastics and number 1 were the most popular. My pile actually had no non-labeled items which is very different than others. Lots of pros about using plastic is that most things are reusable, some of the cons are they kill millions of animals every year. Some properties of plastic are

  • Strength
  • Weather Resistance
  • Fire Resistance
  • Durability
  • Dimensional Stability
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Thermal Resistance
  • Working Conditions

Plastic is a harmful but useful material and is a very interesting tech topic.

Third Switch and Breadboard(Blog Post #6)

My third switch was a very complex different idea. I first was going to make this a seesaw push switch. This turned out to be a popsicle falling switch. When you un-tape the popsicle it falls down and hits the tinfoil. The switch has a base of popsicles and small straws. Here is the switch:

As you can see the popsicle is hanging and will eventually touch the tinfoil on the bottom. After these tree switches we started to experiment with breadboards. When we were using the breadboard, we could put a wire in a different part of the breadboard and the wire were not touching the LED wire but the LED lights would still light up.

Nikola Tesla (Blog Post #4)

In class we watched a movie on the mad scientist, Nikola Tesla. Nikola is a scientist that invented one of the most respected inventions of all time, alternating current. This current is what runs through your house outlets and the street wires. Nikola Tesla started to test the Tesla Coil. The Tesla Coil is a huge conductor that was eventually supposed to be a communication system that can access all across the world. This was though to be impossible

Atoms in Tech (Blog Post #2)

Do you know what atoms are? The size? Imagine a grapefruit and the many atoms inside the fruit. How big do you have to make the grapefruit so that the human eye can see the atoms? You have to make it the size of EARTH! And guess what size the atoms are now? A BLUEBERRY! When you make a grapefruit the size of earth, you get blueberry sized atoms. Crazy! Atoms are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons.  We played many games in class that relate to elements and atoms. This games really helped me remember how atoms are made of and what they are.   Atoms are very interesting things and I would love to learn more about it.



Machines(Blog Post #8)

We made little machines in tech together, my inspiration was a little spinning plate that can spin a train through a background. I used wheels and awes to make a machine that spins a circle. After this process, I put the sun in the middle of the circle and the earth spinning around. This was to make a orbit and how our planet orbits around the sun. This machine was very fun and creative. Making the planet inspired me to make other different things. Machines were very cool.

Peruvian Restaurant Field Trip

Today the 5th grade went to a Peruvian Restaurant for a Spanish Field Trip. We ordered and talked in Spanish with the waiters. We had bread and butter, with salad as appetizer.  There were 4 dishes, Lomo Saltado, Pollo Saltado, Pescado el ojo and Talerin de la carne. We also has a Peruvian Drink called Chicha Morada. I loved the Talerin de la carne but my favorite was the Lomo Saltado. This trip was fun because we got to taste a different culture’s food. This was a very educational and fun trip.  The Spanish part of it was we had to fill out a worksheet on a few different questions like Did you like the food? or What was your favorite? This was a very yummy field trip.


Where I’m From Poem

In school, we made a Where I’m from poem. It is a poem that relates to lots of things in your life. This was a long process, with green screen. Green screen is a process where you take a picture on a green screen and choose your background. I choose the football stadium. Mine is about all different things. This was a very fun and energetic project. This is mine:

Coding 4

This is my most complex game. To play you use the arrow keys to move and collect coins then go to the shop and upgrade, have fun. This project took me 3 months! This project required lots of advanced code and help from my scratch teacher. This is my Favorite project.

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