Capstone Blog post #2

The reason why we do an interview is that we get more information for our capstone and we can meet an expert on our topic. And we can learn can be an “expert” on our topic. Finding an interview was pretty hard no one was answering. And some people were saying no there to busy or just something else. But making up the questions were really fun because now I have learned stuff about the thing I was wondering and I got a lot of really good information.It went quite good but there was only one bad thing at that he did not answer my questions but i still got very good information. Overall the interview has been a very good one because I got a lot of inside information and overall it help my capstone a lot.


Immigration Blog Post #2

We had to interview an immigrant who immigrated to America. So I chose my mom we also had to make an adobe cloud express video documenting the immigrant’s experience coming to America.


Then we had a script about how long it’s gonna be. What you guys are gonna see on the screen and what do you guys would hear. Know it was the hard part we had to take all of our immigrant’s answers and turn them into a narrative. But then I was done with that then it was the fun part of making the video. For the video, we had to add voiceovers and images. And the voiceover took way longer than it should have been sometimes there were background noises and people interrupting. We also should have included photos of the immigrants so I had to find photos which were easy then I added everything together and it was looking pretty good.


I learned a lot about my mom’s stuff I never knew so it was very interesting to learn about my mom’s past and how she came here. I also learned more about how to conduct an interview like you have to make questions. And even if you get a little information then you should extend their word and make it better.

So now that I have finished the project I thought it was very fun conducting an interview and making a video. I hope inside of middle school we will do something like this because I really enjoyed it.


Rube Goldberg Machine Blog Post Number Two!

A Rube Goldberg is an overly complicated machine designed to do a simple task and it’s not looking for me because I can’t find the right materials to build it so I have been waiting since I ordered the wrong thing and my deadline is coming up so it’s looking very bad for me and I still have to finish building it, videotaping it so it’s not going good. And I have to. The things have come and now I think I can be able to do this The things I have inside of my build is a wheel and axle, an inclined plane and an Inclined plane, screw. I have finished it it was very fun about is was very hard but I had a lot of fun so its all worth it.


Credits to: Guninees world records and Jopeshs rube Golberg

Rube Goldberg Blog Post Number One


A Rube Goldberg is an over-complex machine that does simple tasks like popping a balloon, putting a ball in a cup, or making lemon aid. At first, I thought a wedge should open a light switch, but many people said it’s never going ever to work later on. I realized that, too, after making a sketch. I chose to pop a balloon to me. It looked the easiest of them all, so I was then designing the Rube Goldberg. I started by picking what simple machine I wanted to put inside my Rube Goldberg machine. I had tried a lot of different sketches. I finally did what I wanted. I finished my final drawing, but it wasn’t my final sketch because I messed up on it with a sharpie, and I couldn’t erase it. And to be honest, it kind of looks evil. No, I didn’t care about restarting, but it was very annoying. And also messed up a lot like there were black lines everywhere. There were a lot of rips, So I restarted another one, and I added more color on a better title, and in my opinion, it looks so much better. It seems perfect l about the end. I even added more steps so people can know what I can be going on on projects, and now I’m going to finish their building. But before I started actually building the Rube Goldberg I have to start and get all of the materials needed and that is gonna be a lot of Jenga blocks. It has 8 different steps, 4 different simple machines and it’s gonna pop a balloon so I named it The Balloon Termiater Here is the finished sketch of my Rube Goldberg machine. When I was looking at my sketch I realized that it does not work so the picture you see below is my failed one I will make a new sketch and a whole new design and start the whole thing all over again. 

The Time I Got Stitches  This took me a lot of time to make and a lot of effort. First, I had to think about what to write about. I thought and I thought until I found something perfect, when I got stitches. Then I went to work and make a rough draft. I had to make the first draft. And then I had to put it into a google doc. I checked punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Then after a while, I was done. I added the finishing touches and I was done. I am proud of what I made. So I hope you enjoy my narrative!

Story Mountain

In this post I will explain that every story has a story mountain. I hope you like my post I work really hard on it. A story mountain is like some problem is a type of way to jot some of your character problems in a book you are reading and if your character problems and fix you could write it down on the other side of the story mountain and how the problem got fix. Like I said I will explain how every story has story mountain. You can write problems on the story mountain of a character in your book you are reading. A story mountain look like a mountain it is a triangle and on the tip of the triangle you could write of the problem gets fix on the tip and write more about how the character problem get fix and the other side of the triangle like in my book my character is Greg and one problem he has NO money so it was winter so he went to he’s neighbors and he ask if he can take off the snow in there driveway for 5 dollars and they said yes I could put that on the other side of the triangle.