A Rube Goldberg is an over-complex machine that does simple tasks like popping a balloon, putting a ball in a cup, or making lemon aid. At first, I thought a wedge should open a light switch, but many people said it’s never going ever to work later on. I realized that, too, after making a sketch. I chose to pop a balloon to me. It looked the easiest of them all, so I was then designing the Rube Goldberg. I started by picking what simple machine I wanted to put inside my Rube Goldberg machine. I had tried a lot of different sketches. I finally did what I wanted. I finished my final drawing, but it wasn’t my final sketch because I messed up on it with a sharpie, and I couldn’t erase it. And to be honest, it kind of looks evil. No, I didn’t care about restarting, but it was very annoying. And also messed up a lot like there were black lines everywhere. There were a lot of rips, So I restarted another one, and I added more color on a better title, and in my opinion, it looks so much better. It seems perfect l about the end. I even added more steps so people can know what I can be going on on projects, and now I’m going to finish their building. But before I started actually building the Rube Goldberg I have to start and get all of the materials needed and that is gonna be a lot of Jenga blocks. It has 8 different steps, 4 different simple machines and it’s gonna pop a balloon so I named it The Balloon Termiater Here is the finished sketch of my Rube Goldberg machine. When I was looking at my sketch I realized that it does not work so the picture you see below is my failed one I will make a new sketch and a whole new design and start the whole thing all over again.