OLogy: a Science Website for Kids

so as part of our daily to do’s we had to go to OLogy in OLogy there are lots of different topics to chose from. I looked around a lot but I finally saw something I liked. Water. It might sound kind of silly but water is actually really interesting.

out of a orange juice, tea, and coffee Which beverage takes the most water to produce, including water used to grow and process the plants? . well if you guessed tea your wrong. If you guessed orange Juice your your wrong to. believe it or not the right answer is coffee.

“A cup of coffee contains 280 liters (74 gallons) of virtual water. That’s over 1,000 times the volume of the coffee cup! In comparison, a glass of orange juice contains 213 liters (56 gallons), and a cup of tea contains 30 liters (8 gallons).

Coffee consumes about 2% of all the water used to grow crops worldwide. Both orange trees and coffee trees need a lot more water than tea plants.” – OLogy

On the OLogy learning platform you can discover new things as well as find who you are. Water

the beverage question I had just told you is part of the What do you know about virtual water. quiz in this quiz there are 7 questions similar to this one. Life on earth is impossible without water.  two thirds of body is water and we need to drink water in order to survive. We eat meat from animals but we also eat things from tree’s and both f these things, like us need water to survive.”The ocean is still home to more kinds of life than anywhere else on the planet.”- OLogy. with eight whole pages of reasons why we need water to survive you can’t really have doubts.

Journey to the Bottom

in Journey to the bottom of the sea you can earn new things by playing and amazing game where the sea animal tells you some facts and you have to pick and answer according to those facts. read the directions and pick carefully!

with eight different activities on just this water page I think you will have a lot of fun and may as well find the job you want to do. the great thing about OLogy is that you can actully find something that interests you.

link to the home of OLogy:  https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology

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