All About Me

My name is Alex and I’m the middle child of three boys. My older brothers name is Adrian and my younger brother’s name is Andre. My mom’s name is Martha and she is from Cuba, and my dad’s name is Brendan and he is from Australia. My favorite thing to do is play basketball. My […]

What’s your favorite holiday

Holidays, everyone looks forward to them for many reasons. One reason is because they miss school and another to see distant family. My reason that I like holidays is because I get to take a break from everything, and hang out with my friends. My favorite holiday is christmas  because I get to see family, […]


Capstone is coming up soon and I think everyone should be excited for. I’m really excited for it because I get to study something that I am passionate about and really like doing, I also get to make a really cool project to help people understand my topic a little bit more. In the comments […]


My reading group is reading a book called chains. It is about a girl who is a slave during the revolutionary war and how her owner died and then her owners relative sold her and her sister even though that on there old owners will it said that they were free. There new owners that […]