My Task- Blog post #7

I had to think a lot before deciding on my final task. I got inspired by some videos and I had an idea: a paper roll goes down an inclined plain, and the layer that remains on the ground would be written “Done”. I tried it with my project, but nothing could push it. I tried it with a tennis ball and a golf ball, with no success. And with a lacrosse ball, it finally worked. Then, I had to figure out a way to fit this with the circuit. I needed a way to hold the lacrosse ball. I came up with a domino  holding on the lacrosse ball. The domino would be held off by a rope, connecting the domino with a heavy object. When something hit the rope it would remove the domino, releasing the ball.

After building the other steps, I found a more fun way to end the circuit (and I also needed more steps): The paper roll hits another lacrosse ball, the lacrosse ball gets into a cup that’s connected to a pulley, and when the cup goes down, it turns off the alarm clock. I was very happy that my project worked and my final task was completed.

Video Here