Rube Goldberg Project One

The Rube Goldberg project was really fun to do. A Rube Goldberg Machine is like a chain reaction of many different steps. It is when one thing makes another thing move in order to do a simple task. We had to make something that had 8 steps and 3 simple machines. A simple machine is something that makes things easier, like an inclined plane, wheel, axle, pulley, screw, wedge, and lever. I think that a lot of the resources like youtube videos were helpful but I think that the thing that gave me the most help is looking at what other people have done making their Rube Goldbergs in the past years and things that show how to make one of the simple machines. This showed me what worked and some things that did not in people’s fails for instance I saw in one of the videos someone using a screw with a ball going around a poll hitting something else. When I was making my first sketch for my Rube Goldberg project, I thought that it would be cool to include things like inclined planes and pulleys and other things like a lever and screw. I have a car toy car at home so I thought that would be a good thing to start with because I could just press a button and the car would move. I think that what really helped was balls and books. I think that the first part of the Rube Goldberg project was very fun, including the research the designing, and the sketching of the first draft. I think that a lot of things that did not work  I thought would work like marbles going into the pulley. I will start to put things together soon and do other things that will get closer to my final draft.