One Plastic bag

One Plastic bag


In the book ,”One Plastic Bag” from Miranda Paul, the book is mainly about Isatou Ceesay helping to collect plastic bags. My favorite part was when Isatou and her gang collect the plastic bags and reusing them to make purses. This book reminded me of a festival at my school called ”Bash the Trash” where they reuse recycled items and make them into instruments. The message of this book is don’t just throw away plastic bags reuse them. The book made me think about how the people of Gambia survive with plastic bags just sitting around on the ground. Also it made me think about the animals that eat the plastic bags. To me it’s just miserable to see plastic bags on the ground and hear animals are suffering from eating the plastic bags.


Banning Plastic Bags in Bali


In the video “Banning Plastic bags in Bali” by TED Talk, the video is mainly about two girls changing Bali’s amount of plastic bags. My favorite part was when  it showed the group that participated in changing the amount of plastic bags in Bali. This book reminded me of when I told my mom not to throw away plastic bags. The message of this book is one little bag could change the world. The girls campaign to ban plastic bags in Bali inspired me to do the same because I love animals, and if plastic bags end up in the jungle, fields, and even sidewalks, the animals there will probably die.



Poetry Reflection

Poetry Reflection

By: Arun
The poetry unit was great! What inspired me to  write my poem called “The Tree” was the weather. You might be saying,”The weather inspired you to make a poem.” Well, yes. It’s because it’s Spring. So now do you get the idea why? Well just a heads up, my poem isn’t really about trees. It’s about a boy who thinks a beehive is a tree. I know it doesn’t make sense, but poems don’t have to make sense. So there’s how the weather inspired me.



The Tree

By: Arun 

Once I saw a tree

It was pretty small

But not smaller than a key.

I wanted to have it

But it had a price tag on it.

So I guessed it wasn’t free.

But the tree had something on it

It was a BEE!


if that was a bee the tree can’t be a tree…


ELA Test Reflection

Me and my class did the state test. I thought it was fine. I liked it a little bit because, we got an extra fifteen minutes of recess! But I also kinda didn’t like it because some of the questions were tricky and it was so long! Also, my pencil wore out a lot! At the beginning I was so nervous, I was sweating! But when I had the test in my hand I was about to start, but are teacher told us to stop because, she had to read from a script. When she was reading it, she sounded like a robot! Then when she said we could start, I started. By the end, I thought ,” Wow! That was easy!”  But on the second and third day, the problems got harder. “ See it wasn’t that bad!” You might be saying that. And you are right!