1st week of plants

The first week of plants was awesome! We got to plant. Our teacher won’t tell us the plant we’re planting. There are these styrofoam cubes called quads, with little square shaped holes in it called cells, and that’s where we plant our plants. There are two plants we planted, manipulated, and controlled. Are manipulated object is gatorade instead of water. The good thing is that, my hypothesis is true! My hypothesis is, if we water the plant gatorade for 7 weeks, it’ll grow because plants need sugar to grow, and gatorade has sugar. Also, if you’re wondering how the plant gets gatorade over the weekend, there’s a little vial under the quad, and the vial has gatorade in it, and there’s this little blue thing called a wick, which sucks up the gatorade into the plant. Our group’s plant gets sunlight from a metal rectangle that has LED lights under it. And then under the LED lights, we put our plants.

This is my group’s controlled and manipulated plant.

Week 2 Plants

The second week of plants was interesting! Everyone’s group has a controlled, and manipulated plant. 




My groups controlled plant is pretty tall! It has a lot of leaves on the stem. For this week, the measurements are great. Cell one is 2 cm. Cell 2 is 1 cm. Cell 3 is 5 cm, and cell 4 is 1 cm. The color of all the plants in the quad, is a vine green. Some of the plants are dying, because we didn’t water the plants enough gatorade. So then, we watered it more gatorade, and the plant kinda came back to life. The direction the plant is growing is straight. In the 17th of May, cell 3 lost some leaves. I think it did because there was not enough gatorade.




My groups manipulated plant is the only manipulated plant growing! It’s probably because of the sugar in the gatorade, and the plant needs sugar to grow, so it’s growing. But it’s starting to die, so again we watered it more with gatorade. The height isn’t that bad. Cell 1 is 1 cm. Cell 2 is 1 cm. Cell 3 is 0 cm. Cell 4 is 1 cm. For some reason, in cell three, there’s something in it. My group thinks it’s mold. I still don’t understand why there’s mold in cell three, because mold is caused by water. The color of the plant is a green that doesn’t look like it should be green. The direction the plant is growing is mostly on the left.


No Sunlight
 The no sunlight plant looks so unexpected. It’s all yellow and long. It’s probably because, plants make food out of sunlight, and the poor plant has been in a cabinet for a long time, and there’s no sunlight in the cabinet, so it can’t make food.

This is a picture of my group’s controlled and manipulated plant.
This is a picture of the No Sunlight Plant.


Math State Test Reflection

The Math test was great! Honestly, the test was pretty easy! The first day we had multiple choice.The second day, again we had multiple choice.Then on the third day, we had word problems. Also when everyone was done with the test, we got to go on our chrome books! The best part about the Math test was we got to have extra recess! Also, the whole week we didn’t have homework. But during the test, you had to read closely so you don’t write a careless mistake. Also, it was kinda like a review for the math I did a long time ago. Hard to say, but I actually had a good time during the state test week. There was a lot of math. There was area, multiplication, data analysis, fractions, number lines, rounding, basically everything I learned in 3rd grade. But, I was confident about myself, so I know I did good. I wasn’t that nervous, so I was fine during the test.