Lima Beans growing for three weeks

This is the sunlight Lima bean
This is the no sunlight
This is the No Air Lima beans.


No Sunlight


My group’s no sunlight lima beans are growing, but they’re not healthy. Also, they smell really gross. Only one of the seeds are growing. The other two don’t even have roots! We’ve anyway’s experienced a no sunlight plant not growing with the Wisconsin fast flowers. The no sunlight flower was growing but it wasn’t healthy at all. It had a white stem, and yellow leaves. And it’s the same thing with the no sunlight lima beans. It has a white stem, and half of the bean is a brownish yellowish color.  



No Air


The no air lima bean is growing really good. The weird thing is a plant needs water, air, and sunlight to make sugar, which all plants need. But on the other hand, the bean has roots, a stem, and it’s starting to grow leaves! Maybe a lima bean has different adaptations then a regular and healthy plant, like a flower. Maybe it just needs water and sunlight to make sugar. Or maybe it doesn’t need sugar to be healthy, it may just need water.




Surprisingly, the no air is better than the sunlight. All the sunlight has is a stem and roots. Again, the sunlight has one growing.

Seed Pods

How our plant changed

In class, we learned about pollination for our science unit about plants. My group’s plant changed a lot since we pollinated it. How you might ask! Well, we pollinated it, so, the pistil made seeds, so the flowers that made the seeds die, because there is no use for it.  So the seeds grew up, and the life cycle of a flower restarts. If you still don’t understand this, then read this. Pollinating is when wind, water, or animals, such as a bee, carry pollen from the stamen of one flower to another flower. When the animal lands on the flower, it always leaves enough pollen on the pistil (female part of a flower) to make seeds.

Adjectives for my group’s plant

The color of our plant is a deep green. The weird thing is, the leaves are dying. There all crumbly and stuff. It’s either because we didn’t water it enough, or it’s dying because it’s making new leaves. But some of them are nice and healthy. Our plant doesn’t have buds, but like 5 weeks ago, it did have some buds. By some, I mean a lot. Again , we don’t have flowers because it died to make new flowers. The tallest pod in our quad is in cell 3. I think the pod has 3 seeds.

What will happen next

What I think will happen next, is we will pollinate again, and the new flowers will make new seeds and the life cycle will continue.


This is a picture of me and my group, observing our plant.
This is a picture of my group’s plant.