EdCamp Experience

I honestly thought that EdCamp was really fun because we got to learn about a bunch of stuff we didn’t know, all taught by parents. I would really like to do it again! My favorite lecture was when Julie DeGenero (one of the parents) taught a bunch of kids (including me) about her job as a prosecutor and in her lecture she talked about the law and some funny cases she’s taken when she just started working as a prosecutor. For example, one of the trials she’s been to was when a guy went to a kids petting zoo, and there was a llama there. But all of a sudden, he just started choking the llama. She didn’t tell us what happened to the llama, or if the guy went to jail, but it was really funny, but sad for the llama. My second lecture was from Laura Liu, and it was about her job at a magazine company, and how she works on the business side of the company. She talked about ad’s, and how the company of certain magazines put ad’s that relate to the main idea of the magazine itself. For example, if the magazine was , “Sports Illustrated”, some of the ad’s might be, “Gatorade”, or Modell’s Sporting Goods.” But, overall, I thought that this experience was amazing and I would love to do this again!

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