Collaboration – Rube Goldberg

So far, everything is going well. Me and my partner have our sketches ready to go, and are doing good on our blog posts, but we still haven’t met to decide on what materials we need for our machine. It’s been kind of challenging cooperating with my partner because we always end up getting into small fights because one or another isn’t working, and we always end up fooling around instead of working, so I think me and my partner should work on collaborating with each other as a partnership.  Another challenge  I face is, once we start building the whole machine, is my plan going to work, or will it just flunk. I’m always very worried whether I will get a good grade on my project, and I really feel under pressure, but part of me has faith in myself to keep on going and to not give up. For resources, I’ve been watching different videos of different peoples Rube Goldbergs, but one Youtube channel really caught my eye, called Sprice Machines, and I love watching this guy’s videos because he has really good ideas for his contraptions, and each step he has in his machines are very unique, and I think it’s a good inspiration.

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