Capstone #6 – Final Product

So, this is my sixth blog post for Capstone, and as you may have read the title, it is about my final product for Capstone. In my opinion, I think that my script and slideshow is pretty good, but I am pretty nervous for presenting my things because what if I make a mistake, and everyone laughs? Well, I shouldn’t talk about my worries, but about my final product. Anyways, my slideshow looks great because of all the pictures and the style of each of the slides, which is kind of a faded paper with thumbtacks and tape and papers from a note book, and it gives off an interesting vibe. All of the pictures I used I thought were interesting because of how realistic they look, and the mysterious vibe they give off.

I believe I already talked about my script, but I also think it’s pretty cool because of all the vocabulary I used to make it sound rather mysterious and hopefully it sounds intriguing to my audience. My script is separated in paragraphs corresponding to each slide in my slideshow. Each picture in my slides has something to do with the paragraph along with the slide. So, back to my script, I talk a lot about the same cryptids because the cryptids I talk about are very interesting, at least in my opinion.

Well, that's about it for this post is going to be my
last, and it's about Capcon and presenting, so stay 
tuned for that. If you get bored of waiting, don't 
worry because I have a bunch of more posts about 
different topics. I hope you enjoyed this post, and
yeah. Have a good day! :D

Capstone #5 – Answering My Main Inquiry Question

So, we are just about to finish Capstone, and I finished my research, and I’m working on my presentation and script, and this blog post is for answering my main inquiry question, which is,”How has the research of cryptids grown into a worldwide phenomenon?”

To answer my main inquiry question, I had to research on my sub questions because the sub questions have a lot to do with the main inquiry question, and like I said, I need to answer my sub questions. This Process is hard because of all the things you need to look for to just answer one sub question.

My answer to my question is, the research of cryptids has grown into a worldwide phenomenon because of the mystery of whether cryptids are real or not, and people are very interested in different cryptids, how scientists interpret evidence from people that report seeing cryptids, and what different cultures have different types of cryptids.

Anyways, that’s it for this post. Stay tuned for my last two posts for Capstone, and if you get bored of waiting, I have many other posts posted on my blog about different things. Thanks for reading! 😀

Mixtures and Solutions – Messy Science

So, today in science, we did messy science, where you get real materials and test stuff out with those materials. So, today we did just that. We got to mix 4 teaspoons of sugar with food dye, and we would have colored sugar in a cup. Then, we got three more cups and filled one with water, one with vinegar, and one with vegetable oil. Our task was to mix the solute with each of the solvents, and we had to make hypotheses on what would happen to each of the solvents if we mix the solute into it. 2/3 of the hypotheses that my science group and I made up were correct. For water, we correct. We guessed that the sugar would dissolve into the water, and would make the water green, and that was exactly what happened. For the vinegar, we were also correct. When we mixed the sugar and the vinegar, we got the same results of when we mixed the sugar and the water. For the oil, we were wrong. We guessed that the result would be the same as the water, but the process would take longer because oil is thicker than water, but instead what happened was the sugar just stayed at the bottom of the cup, and it didn’t dissolve at all. It didn’t even make the oil green! But this was a really fun project because we are supposed to learn that not all solutes can dissolve into a solvent. I would honestly do this project again! 😀