Tech Post #8: Mechanical Engineering

Hello everyone! This post is going to be about our new topic, mechanical engineering. The Coronavirus is still spreading, thus having us stay and work from home. Anyways, the new topic I think is pretty fun. So far, we are learning about how different shapes can affect how durable a structure is, and we learned that triangles are the best shape to use since all of the angles rely on each other, so the angles would only move if the corresponding sides move. I honestly think this is really cool and I now have a totally different view on triangles. I can’t wait to see where this takes us, but with the end of the marking period rolling around, I’m afraid that it would have to be cut short. I am also very sad that we barely got to build anything in this technology class and all the other classes got to. But I’m still grateful since I’ve learned a lot about atoms, metals, and now mechanical engineering.

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