Final Reflection (kinda) – Rube Goldberg

So at this point, me and my partner have finished most of our project, and this is going to be my final blog post on the Rube Goldberg project. So I thought that this whole project was really fun and interesting because our task was to make a machine that could complete a simple task in the most complex way possible, and to me, it was hard but fun. Something I learned from this amazing experience is to be able to cooperate with someone to complete a task. This project also taught me more patience and obviously things about Rube Goldberg and his famous machine ideas. Continue reading Final Reflection (kinda) – Rube Goldberg

Testing the design – Rube Goldberg

So, our most recent meeting, we started building (which I made a blog post on) and we changed our design and our task, and now we’re getting somewhere, but now, lets get to the main idea of this blog post, which is testing our design. So, when we first started to test our original design, it didn’t really work, so we changed some steps. But when the deadline was really tight, we got my partners mom to help us, and she was a really big help, and so we started to test our new design, which sometimes worked, and sometimes didn’t, and this happened because we had to get the perfect angle for the ramp of the first step. Continue reading Testing the design – Rube Goldberg

Meetings – Rube Goldberg

So my first meeting for Rube Goldberg didn’t go that well. My partner came to my house and he drew his sketch, and we also started to get materials, but then we kind of slacked off and it turned into a play date. I have to admit, me and partner aren’t really a good partnership, but we got a lot of the project together. Anyways, our second meeting was better because we started to gather a lot of more “useful” materials, and we started building, but we tested out some of our steps that we thought would work, but didn’t. Our third meeting, we decided to do it at his house because of all the “gluten” items I have in my house. Continue reading Meetings – Rube Goldberg

Starting To Build – Rube Goldberg

Me and my partner have finally started to build! We met up at my partners house and started to build with the materials we had at bay, and it was pretty hard because we had to change our task, which used to be to pour a bowl of cereal, but now it’s to put toys in a bin. I’m not that sad because lets be real here, I kind of doubted that our plan could work, but I wanted to see how far we could get, and honestly, I like our new task better because it’s a lot less complicated than to pour a bowl of cereal. Anyways, my partners mom helped us a lot with the building and the plan overall, and that was really nice of her. We started to take pictures of us building, and we also started videotaping our failed attempts of the first few steps, which I think we’re going to edit into the video itself. Continue reading Starting To Build – Rube Goldberg

Sketch Museum – Rube Goldberg

Today, we did a museum in our class for each of our sketches and we got to comment on each others and it was really fun to see other peoples ideas and their plans. Also, it was a cool experience because we might’ve seen a unique step or idea that was good that we could’ve used, and boy did I see a lot of cool things! For example, one of my classmates ideas was to have something to click the spacebar of a computer to call his phone, which would vibrate down an inclined plane, which I thought was a really cool idea. Props to them! Continue reading Sketch Museum – Rube Goldberg

Collaboration – Rube Goldberg

So far, everything is going well. Me and my partner have our sketches ready to go, and are doing good on our blog posts, but we still haven’t met to decide on what materials we need for our machine. It’s been kind of challenging cooperating with my partner because we always end up getting into small fights because one or another isn’t working, and we always end up fooling around instead of working, so I think me and my partner should work on collaborating with each other as a partnership.  Another challenge  I face is, once we start building the whole machine, is my plan going to work, or will it just flunk. Continue reading Collaboration – Rube Goldberg

Planning – Rube Goldberg

In my Grade, we get to make our own Rube Goldberg Machines. So far, it’s really hard thinking about my machine because it’s hard to decide on how to make each individual step because you have to find all the materials that you need, and you have to make your own sketch on how you want your machine to be and look like, and it gets harder because once you test your machine to see if it works, it might not work, and you would have to re-design your contraption so once you test it again, it’ll have to be able to function with the other simple machines and contraptions in your whole Rube Goldberg. Continue reading Planning – Rube Goldberg

Edcamp Experience #2

Yes, we did EdCamp again, and it was great. I guess you could say my wish came true that we would have another EdCamp. For this EdCamp, I did entrepreneurship with Alan Goldfarb, and Real Estate Investing with Adam Etra. Personally, I liked Alan’s lecture about what an entrepreneur does and how you’re never too young to have a business of your own. I liked his lecture because I’ve always had an interest in finance and business since my mom works on Wall Street, it kind of runs through my blood. At the end of Alan’s lecture we split into groups and tried to make our own group and my group decided that we would make our business a pizza place and since people have to wait a long time for other pizza places like Domino’s, (don’t think I hate Domino’s, I actually love their pizza) we would make a business where we have our pizza’s preheated and waiting in solar powered ovens because one of the people in my group said for marketing, we should have bio friendly items so ore people would want to come to our restaurant. Continue reading Edcamp Experience #2

EdCamp Experience

I honestly thought that EdCamp was really fun because we got to learn about a bunch of stuff we didn’t know, all taught by parents. I would really like to do it again! My favorite lecture was when Julie DeGenero (one of the parents) taught a bunch of kids (including me) about her job as a prosecutor and in her lecture she talked about the law and some funny cases she’s taken when she just started working as a prosecutor. For example, one of the trials she’s been to was when a guy went to a kids petting zoo, and there was a llama there. But all of a sudden, he just started choking the llama. She didn’t tell us what happened to the llama, or if the guy went to jail, but it was really funny, but sad for the llama. Continue reading EdCamp Experience