Capstone #1 – Choosing a Topic

Finally! We are doing Capstone! If you don’t know, Capstone is a project that the 5th grade of Heathcote School gets to do. It’s basically where we get to pick a topic that interests us, and we research and research and get to make a presentation that we can share in front of an audience. So, this is my first blog entry about choosing a topic.

To get started, we had to fill out a Questionnaire packet filled with questions like,”List at least three interests you have”, or,” Is there a historical event you would like to become an expert on”.

Anyways, after filling this thing out, you get handed a schedule with all the due dates for each part of the whole project. After that, you have to make a curriculum wheel with all the questions you have about you topic. This process was really hard because each question had to be about a subtopic like math or science.

Okay, now the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my topic. So don’t laugh at me or anything like that but my topic is…Bigfoot! Yes, I know Bigfoot may not be real, but my teacher was fine with it, and plus, I’ve always been into cryptozoology.

But, I forgot to tell you that you have to think of two topics just in case the one you want to do doesn’t work out. So my 2nd topic is going to be Concussions. I’m kind of narrowing to the Bigfoot topic because I feel like a lot of people have thought once in their life whether Bigfoot is real.

Anyways, I have high expectations for not only myself, but also the Capstone project itself because I’ve been waiting my whole time here at Heathcote just for this moment and hopefully it’s fun. Also, I have high expectations for myself because when I was a kid, I remember always watching interesting documentaries with my mom, mostly about Bigfoot.

So anyways, that was it for this post. Make sure to check my blog every once in a while for another post, and you can also read my other posts on this blog. Thank you for reading! 🙂

Philadelphia Field Trip

The Philadelphia trip was very tiring. Every 5th grader had to wake up really early because the bus left at 6am. We were allowed to bring electronics since the trip was about 3 hours give or take. When we got to Philadelphia, we went to a cool museum, which had a whole exhibit on Alexander Hamilton, which was awesome. One of my favorite parts about this museum was this place where it showed where Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton stood when they had their duel. Also, there was a big room that looked like a colonial courthouse, and in it, there were metal states of each colonies’ representative. Like for Virginia, there was a metal statue of Benjamin Franklin. After we saw all of the exhibits, we went to the basement of the museum of for lunch. After lunch, we walked to an actual colonial courthouse, which was very cool. After, we walked around with our group, and then the whole 5th grade met up, and we went on the bus, and drove back to school, and our parents picked us up. By the way, there was HEAVY traffic, so we got to school at about 8pm, when we supposed to come back at 6pm. Anyways, I thought that the trip was interesting and fun, and even I’ve been to Philadelphia before we had this this trip, I would definitely go again.






Edcamp Experience #2

Yes, we did EdCamp again, and it was great. I guess you could say my wish came true that we would have another EdCamp. For this EdCamp, I did entrepreneurship with Alan Goldfarb, and Real Estate Investing with Adam Etra. Personally, I liked Alan’s lecture about what an entrepreneur does and how you’re never too young to have a business of your own. I liked his lecture because I’ve always had an interest in finance and business since my mom works on Wall Street, it kind of runs through my blood. At the end of Alan’s lecture we split into groups and tried to make our own group and my group decided that we would make our business a pizza place and since people have to wait a long time for other pizza places like Domino’s, (don’t think I hate Domino’s, I actually love their pizza) we would make a business where we have our pizza’s preheated and waiting in solar powered ovens because one of the people in my group said for marketing, we should have bio friendly items so ore people would want to come to our restaurant. Continue reading Edcamp Experience #2