Tech Post #7 (Metals and Substances)

Hello everyone!

We still have not gone back to school, and I wonder if we will continue the rest of the year like this…

Anyways, we just finished our atoms unit, and we learned about metals. I thought it was really cool to learn new stuff I never knew before this, like steel is actually an alloy made of iron and carbon, and people are inventing new metals such as metal foam which may or may not have a huge impact on the world. We also learned that the atoms in certain types of metal (like copper) are arranged in rows and columns, and when metal (like copper) conduct electricity, the subatomic particles known as electrons pass through the spaces and move towards the electrical current. I really loved this unit, and I thought it was very interesting. It’s so cool to imagine that everything in this world is made up of small particles, which we still don’t know all about to this day. I can’t wait to get to 8th grade and learn about more atoms! 😁

Tech Post #5: Atoms

Hello everyone. Due to the coronavirus, all students were permitted to stay at home, and so, the teachers started online learning. I’m so sad that I can’t go to school to work on the cool projects in Tech, but we still get to learn at home. We started a unit on Atoms, and it’s actually really interesting. So far, I’ve learned that an atom is made up of subatomic particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons. As you may (or may not)  have guessed, protons have a positive charge, neutrons are neutral, and electrons have a negative charge. In the middle of an atom, there is nucleus, which is super small. It’s so small, that (for example) if you were to enlarge say, a grapefruit so you could see every atom that makes up said grapefruit, it would have to be the size of the earth. Each atom would then be the size of a blueberry. If you looked and looked for the nucleus in that blueberry, you would have to then, enlarge it again to the size of a football field, and the nucleus would be dead center, and it would be the size of a marble. Yeah, it’s that small. Anyways, that’s all I’ve learned so far, and I hope to learn even more. I can’t wait!