Capstone #2 – Choosing A Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions

Hello everyone. This post is about my second step in the whole Capstone process, which is choosing a main inquiry question and sub questions, in case you didn’t read the title.

Moving on, this step was SUPER HARD because it took a long time to think of a good, juicy inquiry question that will intrigue my audience. Also, I had to change my topic from Bigfoot to a more broad topic, Cryptids! Cryptids are basically other unidentified creatures like Bigfoot, The Loch ness Monster, Mothman, and more.

So, I had to change my Inquiry question from, Why are people do interested in searching for Bigfoot, to, How has the research of Cryptids grown into a worldwide phenomenon? Like I said, this was really hard to think of so I luckily had the help of my teacher.

Now, moving on to the sub questions, these were even more hard! It’s just the process of thinking of ideas on an certain topic that can’t even be determined “real” without scientific evidence! But, I think after a long time of hard work, I think that I finally have good questions.

Well, that’s it for this post. Like I say in a lot of my posts, make sure to stay tuned for the next post of this Capstone Process! If you get bored on waiting, don’t worry because I have a lot of other posts waiting for you to read. That’s it. Goodbye! 🙂