Meetings – Rube Goldberg

So my first meeting for Rube Goldberg didn’t go that well. My partner came to my house and he drew his sketch, and we also started to get materials, but then we kind of slacked off and it turned into a play date. I have to admit, me and partner aren’t really a good partnership, but we got a lot of the project together. Anyways, our second meeting was better because we started to gather a lot of more “useful” materials, and we started building, but we tested out some of our steps that we thought would work, but didn’t. Our third meeting, we decided to do it at his house because of all the “gluten” items I have in my house. Continue reading Meetings – Rube Goldberg

Planning – Rube Goldberg

In my Grade, we get to make our own Rube Goldberg Machines. So far, it’s really hard thinking about my machine because it’s hard to decide on how to make each individual step because you have to find all the materials that you need, and you have to make your own sketch on how you want your machine to be and look like, and it gets harder because once you test your machine to see if it works, it might not work, and you would have to re-design your contraption so once you test it again, it’ll have to be able to function with the other simple machines and contraptions in your whole Rube Goldberg. Continue reading Planning – Rube Goldberg