Starting To Build – Rube Goldberg

Me and my partner have finally started to build! We met up at my partners house and started to build with the materials we had at bay, and it was pretty hard because we had to change our task, which used to be to pour a bowl of cereal, but now it’s to put toys in a bin. I’m not that sad because lets be real here, I kind of doubted that our plan could work, but I wanted to see how far we could get, and honestly, I like our new task better because it’s a lot less complicated than to pour a bowl of cereal. Anyways, my partners mom helped us a lot with the building and the plan overall, and that was really nice of her. We started to take pictures of us building, and we also started videotaping our failed attempts of the first few steps, which I think we’re going to edit into the video itself. Continue reading Starting To Build – Rube Goldberg