Dolphin Cove

Last summer, me and my family went to Dolphin Cove, Jamaica. We took a van to get there. When we were finally there, we heard a lot of dolphins chirping and making a lot of other noises. Dolphin Cove was pretty crowded, probably because it’s summer. When we started walking for about 2 minutes, we were at the bar. The tour guide said the people at the bar would give us free fruit punch. After gulping down my cup of punch, we had to walk another 3 minutes! When we finally arrived to what seemed to be the excursions area, A lady was yelling,”Shark Excursions!”

I ran up to my dad and said,”Dad, can you book me an excursion for shark?” It took a lot of trying, but finally, he said yes. So we went up to the lady with the shark excursions, and the lady gave us a sheet and she gave me a wristband that said, shark excursion. After that all the people that signed up for the shark excursions, had to gather up into a group, but in this case, it was a small group. A guy pulled out a cart with a bunch of life jackets, and I asked if he had a medium. So he pulled out what looked like a medium, and he handed it to me. Finally, I clipped on all the little gears so the jacket stays on me. Then we walked on this little plastic platform, and we went in. While I was walking, I saw only two sharks, Nurse sharks. When we got into the water, the two trainers grabbed hold of the sharks. Then we split into even smaller groups, so I ended up with a man and a little girl, which I was guessing, was his daughter. They were honestly nice. One of the trainers came u to the man and the girl, and the got to touch it, feed it, and hold it. But obviously the trainer helped the girl. Finally after about 5-10 minutes, it was my turn.  I got to do the exact same things the man and the girl did, so I wasn’t that surprised. But on the other hand, It was an awesome experience. I’ve read a lot of books with sharks, and all of them said sharks feel like sandpaper, and the shark actually felt like sandpaper! Better yet, there was a photographer! When I got out of the water, I walked to the cart with the lifejackets were, and when I was about to put my jacket away, the guy that pulled out the cart with lifejackets, told me,”Go to the stingrays.” “I didn’t sign up.” I said “It’s free, he said. So I went to the pool with a trainer holding a stingray. So I went into the pool, and got to touch the stingray. Finally, when I got out, I thought to myself,”Best Vacation Ever!”