Mixtures and Solutions – Messy Science

So, today in science, we did messy science, where you get real materials and test stuff out with those materials. So, today we did just that. We got to mix 4 teaspoons of sugar with food dye, and we would have colored sugar in a cup. Then, we got three more cups and filled one with water, one with vinegar, and one with vegetable oil. Our task was to mix the solute with each of the solvents, and we had to make hypotheses on what would happen to each of the solvents if we mix the solute into it. 2/3 of the hypotheses that my science group and I made up were correct. For water, we correct. We guessed that the sugar would dissolve into the water, and would make the water green, and that was exactly what happened. For the vinegar, we were also correct. When we mixed the sugar and the vinegar, we got the same results of when we mixed the sugar and the water. For the oil, we were wrong. We guessed that the result would be the same as the water, but the process would take longer because oil is thicker than water, but instead what happened was the sugar just stayed at the bottom of the cup, and it didn’t dissolve at all. It didn’t even make the oil green! But this was a really fun project because we are supposed to learn that not all solutes can dissolve into a solvent. I would honestly do this project again! 😀