Capstone Interview (Blog Post #2)

For my Capstone as you may know I’m doing DNA and my main question is, “What exactly is DNA?” and my sub questions are, “How do we get our genes?” and “What is DNA made of?”

For my interview I interviewed my Papa about DNA. I had a really good time doing it and learned a lot. Some stuff I learned is that there is a DNA language, it consists of 4 letters only, A, T, C and G. These 4 letters stand for ,

A- Adenine

T- Thymine

C- Cytosine

G- Guanine

I also learned that there are 10,000,000,000,000 cells in a human body! 13 zeros! I also learned that DNA stands for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid. Also genetic codes are based on groups of three letters together  which are called Codons. They could look like AAA CGC TTA GGA and so on. Groups of codons establish a message that is sent out. This group of codons is called a genes. I also learned much more but that’s all i’m going to say for now and you just have to wait until my final project is done!


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