Rube Goldberg Post #7: Fails

The Complex is built. The team is here. The time to act is now. Let the tests… begin!

Steven and I attached strings to signs.  When we pulled them, the signs would release so they could be read. On our first and second takes, the signs didn’t come down. Sometimes, Jett missed the basket. Once, when the golf ball was supposed to roll, it wasn’t there, but was in my dad’s pocket! Another time the block tower didn’t trigger the dominos. That’s when we realised that everything needs to be placed very precisely. From then on, we were careful to put everything exactly in the correct spot.

Even though we were not successful with these initial run-throughs, we still accomplished many things, like improving the position of steps and getting fails to show in our video for extra credit. Our machine may have failed during this stage, but this meeting was still a success.

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