Capstone Post #1: Choosing a Topic

Finally! Capstone begins! Capstone is a two-month span project we do in fifth grade, and we do it on a topic in which we take an interest. First, we had to fill out a piece of paper to help us choose a topic. Next, we had to narrow done our topic choices to two. My two topic choices were brain trauma and the science of inventing.

Though I like both of my topic choices, my top choice is brain trauma because I am very interested in that topic. After that, we had to come up with a possible main inquiry question. The main inquiry question is a question you can conduct research on to find an answer. I have several of them, and I am still trying to narrow them down to one. In all, I am so excited about Capstone starting!

One thought on “Capstone Post #1: Choosing a Topic”

  1. I liked how you wrote about how the order, and how you gave a little bit of back round of what Capstone is. I also liked how you wrote how exited you felt. Your blog post is really good!

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