“Learn to code 1” was, overall, a good experience. The parts that I found hard were for loops and conditional code. However, the beginning of for loops was fun and easy for me. I think it was satisfying knowing that I got something right, but when it got farther into the for loops, got harder and Byte started scratching his head, that’s when my confidence started to dwindle. I think it was more challenging because I needed to look at the whole project and think, “Ok, so how do I do this first try?” I didn’t let myself make mistakes, so when I did, I tried again, feeling bad. But when I started to let myself make mistakes, then it became easier. I enjoyed the majority of the program, and think that this was vital to start coding. It first teaches you the concept of moving, then turning, teaches to do stuff like making Byte move without 100 lines of code to only 2 using functions, and then to 1 using loops. It also teachers to give Byte their own mind, and give them an ability to sense a gem and then pick it up without the coder commanding it, and even build upon that! To any people who what to learn to code, I would recommend “Learn to Code 1” to get you on your path to becoming the next Zuckerberg.